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import esm
import torch
import os 
from import DataLoader
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
from PocketGen.models.PD import Pocket_Design_new
from PocketGen.utils.misc import seed_all, load_config
from PocketGen.utils.transforms import FeaturizeProteinAtom, FeaturizeLigandAtom
from import collate_mols_block
from .sampler import interaction
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from eval.docking import docking
from eval.prepare import prepare
from eval.window import compute_box
from eval.chemutils import kd
from eval.mutations import mutations

class Model:
  def __init__(self, checkpoint_path:str, args):
    The mutant generation model constructor. This method does the setup of 
    torch and CUDA environment, loads the checkpoint and then returns a PocketGen 
    instance using the weights from checkpoints and the parameters retrieved.
    @param checkpoint_path (str): Path to checkpoint (.pt) file for PocketGen.
    @param verbose (int): 0 for quiet, 1 for necessary information and 2 for debug.

    # setup global class variables
    self.verbose = args["verbose"]
    self.device = args["device"]
    self.outputdir = args["output"]
    self.size = args["number"]
    self.sources = {}
    self.config = load_config('./PocketGen/configs/train_model.yml')
    if self.verbose > 0:
      print('Flint setup started, please wait.')
    if self.verbose == 2:
      print('Now initializing pytorch and CUDA environment :')

    # cleans cache and sets the libs seeds

    if self.verbose == 2:
      print('\tpytorch and CUDA initialized correctly.')
      print('Now retrieving alphabet from fair-ESM :')
    # sets ESM2 alphabet as the usual alphabet
    pretrained_model, self.alphabet = esm.pretrained.load_model_and_alphabet_hub('esm2_t33_650M_UR50D')
    del pretrained_model # ESM2 pretrained_model that we don't need here is deleted from memory

    if self.verbose == 2:
      print('\tESM alphabet successfully loaded.')
      print('Now building PocketGen model :')
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    # get the model checkpoint from .pt file
    self.checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=self.device)

    if self.verbose == 2:
      print('\tcheckpoint successfully created.')

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    # instanciate PocketGen model for pocket design
    self.model = Pocket_Design_new(

    if self.verbose == 2:
      print("\tPocketGen model well instanciated.")
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    # send model to selected device
    self.model =

    if self.verbose == 2:
      print('\tPocketGen model sent to selected device.')

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    # load current saved checkpoint into model

    if self.verbose == 2:
      print('\tcheckpoint loaded into PocketGen.')
      print('End of setup, model can now be used.\n\n')
  def input(self, receptor_path:str, ligand_path:str) -> "Model":
    Loads a protein receptor and a ligand from files and store it in 
    a data-loader, useable by the model when generating mutants.
    @param ligand_path (str): path to the ligand SDF file.
    @param receptor_path (str): path to the receptor PDB file.
    @return (Model): the instance of Model, for chainability purposes.

    if self.verbose == 2:
      print('Now parsing data from receptor and ligand :')
    # get dense features from receptor-ligand interaction
    features = interaction(receptor_path, ligand_path)
    if self.verbose == 2:
      print('\tsuccessfully parsed interaction features.\n')
      print('Now building the pytorch dataloader :')

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    # initialize the data loader (including batch converter)
    self.loader = DataLoader(
      [features for _ in range(self.size)],
    # stores the source input files to compare
    self.sources[self._nbatch()] = [receptor_path, ligand_path]

    if self.verbose == 2:
      print('\tpytorch dataloader built correctly.')

  def generate(self) -> "Model":
    Generates mutants based on the input protein receptor.
    @return (Model): the instance of Model, for chainability purposes.

    if self.verbose > 0:
      print("Now generating new mutant protein receptor :")

    # place it in eval mode

    # no need to compute gradients during inference
    with torch.no_grad():
      for b, batch in enumerate(self.loader):
        # move batch to selected device
        batch = {k: if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) else v for k, v in batch.items()}
        # well-predicted AA on total mask redisue
        # root mean squared deviation (RMSD)
        aa_ratio, rmsd, attend_logits = self.model.generate(
          batch, output_folder=os.path.join(self.outputdir, f"batch_{b + self._nbatch()}")

        if self.verbose > 0:
          print(f"\tinference done on a batch.")
  def results(self) -> "Model":
    write results in a summary file, along with all generated PDBs.
    @return (Model): the instance of Model, for chainability purposes.

    # initialize the resulting summary TSV
    summary = "ID\tdelta_G\tKd\tmutations (AA)\n"

    if self.verbose > 0:
      print(f"Now writing output files :")

    for b in range(self._nbatch()):
      for i in range(self.size):
        receptor_path = os.path.join(self.outputdir, f"batch_{b}", f"{i}.pdb")
        ligand_path = os.path.join(self.outputdir, f"batch_{b}", f"{i}.sdf")

        # compute the docking window around ligand
        docking_box = compute_box(receptor_path, ligand_path)

        energies = docking(

        # calculates the mean Kd and deltaG
        mean_kd = np.mean([kd(e) for e in energies])
        mean_dg = np.mean(energies)

        # find the number of mutations (AA-level)
        n_mutations = mutations(
          os.path.join(self.outputdir, f"batch_{b}", f"{i}_whole.pdb")

        summary += f"batch_{b}/{i}\t{mean_dg}\t{mean_kd}\t{n_mutations}" + "\n"

        if self.verbose == 2:
          print(f"\twrote one new entry in the summary file.")

    if self.verbose > 0:
      print(f"You can find the files and summary in your output folder.")

    # write summary to a local file
    with open(os.path.join(self.outputdir, "summary.tsv"), "w") as file:

    return self

  def _nbatch(self) -> int:
    returns the number of batches stored from now in the output directory
    @return (int): the number of folders in dir

    os.makedirs(self.outputdir, exist_ok=True)
    return len(os.listdir(self.outputdir))