# Voraussetzungen
#- Python 3.x
#- bibtexparser (Installieren Sie es mit `pip install bibtexparser`)
import bibtexparser
except ImportError:
print("The package 'bibtexparser' is not installed. Install with: pip install bibtexparser")
import argparse
except ImportError:
print("The package 'argparse' is not installed.")
import re
except ImportError:
print("The package 're' is not installed.")
#reading command line input and parsing it
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
prog='HTML Citations',
description='create acessible HTML Citations from bib files')
parser.add_argument('-i','--input', required=True, help="path to source bib")
parser.add_argument('-s','--startnumber', required=True, help="number from which to start numbering")
args = parser.parse_args()
print("Source: " + args.input)
except argparse.ArgumentError as e:
print(f"Argument parsing error: {e}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")
print("Reading file...")
#reading and parsing the file
with open(args.input, 'r') as file:
file_content =
print("Parsing file...")
#opening output file
with open('output.txt', 'w') as out:
length = len(library.entries)
print("found " + str(length) + " entries")
ran = range(length)
#processing every entry and writing the dictionary for it
for x in ran:
print("\n Initializing empty dictionary for entry "+ str(startnum+count) + "...")
print("Filling dictionary for entry "+ str(startnum+count) + "")
elif en_x['ENTRYTYPE'] == "book":
bookHTML(dictio, (startnum+count), out)
elif en_x['ENTRYTYPE'] == "inbook":
bookHTML(dictio, (startnum+count), out)
if len(problemlist)>0:
print("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ")
for p in problemlist:
authors = authors.replace(" and ", "|").strip() # Ersetzen und Whitespace entfernen
# Maximale Anzahl der anzuzeigenden Autoren
max_authors = 6
first_names = s[1].split() # Teilt den Vornamen in einzelne Namen auf
# Nur die Initialen verwenden
initials = '. '.join([n[0] for n in first_names]) + '.' if first_names else ''
first = '. '.join([n[0] for n in s[:-1]]) + '.' # Nur Initialen der Vornamen
# Schreibe den Namen in die Ausgabedatei
if i < max_authors:
out.write("\t" + "\t" + "<span property=\"schema:Name\"> " + name + "</span>" + "\n")
# Wenn wir mehr als 6 Autoren haben, schreibe "et al." nach dem 6. Autor
if i == max_authors:
out.write("\t" + "\t" + "<span property=\"schema:Name\"> et al.</span>" + "\n")
break # Stoppe die Schleife, nachdem "et al." hinzugefügt wurde
except Exception as e:
print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e} see " + a)
def articleHTML(dictio, x, out):
print("Writing html code for article "+ str(x) + "...")
out.write("{/*<!-- Citation num " + str(x) + "--> */}" + "\n")
out.write("<li typeof=\"schema:ScolarlyArticle\" role=\"doc-biblioentry\" property=\"schema:citation\" id=\"desc-" + str(x) + "\">"+ "\n")
out.write("\t" + "<span property=\"schema:author\" typeof=\"schema:Person\">"+ "\n")
print("Just a sec, separating authors...")
authors = dictio['author']
makeauthors(authors, out)
title = dictio['title'].replace('{', '').replace('}', '')
out.write("\t" + "<span property=\"schema:name\"> "+ title + "</span>. "+ "\n")
out.write("\t" +"<i property=\"schema:publisher\" typeof=\"schema:Organization\"> "+ dictio['journal'] +"</i>"+ "\n")
out.write("\t" +"<b property=\"issueNumber\" typeof=\"PublicationIssue\"> "+dictio['volume']+"</b>, "+ "\n")
print("Getting pages...")
pages = dictio['pages']
# Überprüfen, ob die Seitenangabe nur aus Zahlen und Bindestrichen besteht
if '-' in pages or '–' in pages or '--' in pages:
pag = re.split('--|-|–', pages)
out.write("\t" + "<span property=\"schema:pageBegin\"> "+ begin +"</span>-<span property=\"schema:pageEnd\">"+ end + "</span> "+ "\n")
if re.match(r'^\d+(-\d+)?$', pages): # Check for typical numeric page ranges
out.write("\t" + "<span property=\"schema:pageBegin\">"+ pages +"</span> "+ "\n")
# Seitenangabe ist nicht numerisch, als fehlend behandeln
print(f"Non-numeric page information detected ('{pages}'). Treating as missing.")
problemlist.append(f"Non-numeric page info at entry {x}")
problemlist.append("Check for missing page info at " + str(x))
except KeyError:
out.write("\t" +"(<time property=\"schema:datePublished\" datatype=\"xsd:gYear\" dateTime=\" " + year + "\">"+year+"</time>)."+ "\n")
out.write("\t" +"<a className=\"doi\" href=\""+doi+"\"> doi: "+doi+"</a>"+ "\n")
except KeyError as e:
print("Sorry, no doi information")
problemlist.append("Check for missing doi info at " + str (x))
out.write("</li>" + "\n"+ "\n")
def miscHTML(dictio, x, out):
out.write("{/*<!-- Citation num " + str(x) + "--> */}" + "\n")
out.write("<li typeof=\"schema:WebPage\" role=\"doc-biblioentry\" property=\"schema:citation\" id=\"desc-" + str(x) + "\">"+ "\n")
out.write("\t" + "<span property=\"schema:author\" typeof=\"schema:Organisation\">"+ "\n")
out.write("\t" + "\t" +"<span property=\"schema:Name\"> " + aut + "</span>."+ "\n")
out.write("\t" +"</span>"+ "\n")
out.write("\t" + "<span property=\"schema:name\">"+dictio['title']+ ".</span>"+ "\n")
out.write("\t" +"<i property=\"schema:publisher\" typeof=\"schema:Organization\">"+ dictio['howpublished'] +"</i>"+ "\n")
year = dictio['year']
out.write("\t" +" (<time property=\"schema:datePublished\" datatype=\"xsd:gYear\" dateTime=\"" + year + "\">"+year+"</time>)."+ "\n")
def bookHTML(dictio, x, out):
print("Writing html code for entry "+ str(x) + "...")
out.write("{/*<!-- Citation num " + str(x) + "--> */}" + "\n")
out.write("<li typeof=\"schema:Book\" role=\"doc-biblioentry\" property=\"schema:citation\" id=\"desc-" + str(x) + "\">"+ "\n")
out.write("\t" + "<span property=\"schema:author\" typeof=\"schema:Organisation\">"+ "\n")
print("Just a sec, separating authors...")
authors = dictio['author']
makeauthors(authors, out)
# out.write("\t" + "\t" +"<span property=\"schema:Name\"> " + aut + "</span>."+ "\n")
if 'title' in dictio:
out.write("\t" + "<span property=\"schema:name\"> "+dictio['title']+ ".</span>"+ "\n")
elif 'booktitle' in dictio:
out.write("\t" + "<span property=\"schema:name\"> "+dictio['booktitle']+ ".</span>"+ "\n")
print(f"No title or booktitle found for entry {x}")
problemlist.append(f"Check for missing title or booktitle at entry {x}")
out.write("\t" +"<i property=\"schema:publisher\" typeof=\"schema:Organization\"> "+ dictio['publisher'] +"</i>"+ "\n")
out.write("\t" + " (<time property=\"schema:datePublished\" datatype=\"xsd:gYear\" dateTime=\"" + year + "\">"+year+"</time>)."+ "\n")