import { PanelTimelineItem, TimelineItem, TimelineItemPic, TimelineItemTwoPic } from "./VerticalTimeline";
date='Scientific Talk I.'
tag= 'Talks'
text="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et"
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So much more
date='How to Wiki'
tag='Workshop Session I.'
text="Learning the basics of Wiki coding and design. In this workshop, the participants geined expertise to elevate their teams wiki."
date='How to SynBio'
tag='Workshop Session I.'
text="Design genetic constructs and re-write the genomic code, and plan experiments using AI. Learn how to effectively build genetic circuit systems for implementation in your iGEM project.
The kernel workshop was given by Traci Haddock, Director of Community at <a href="">ASIMOV Boston</a>. She introduced the Kernel software and showed us how to
implement AI-based tools in our synthetic biology project. The program can be used to graphically display plasmids. By uploading parts in an
iGEM-related database, safety considerations and registry entries can be checked automatically.
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<p><b>Tracy explains the “marshmallow madness” to us. </b></p>
<h6>What did we learn?</h6>
We learned the basics of kernels in order to design plasmids by understanding general plasmid construction and problem solving through different
cloning strategies. </p>
Furthermore, Kernel has an AI-assisted search function that can be used for plasmid representation, e.g. to find a specific
promoter based on certain requirements. Traci showed us practical exercises for firsthand application. First, we were asked to
recreate a plasmid followed by a slightly trickier task: We should clean the world of major marshmallow contamination by developing
a plasmid. In small groups we discussed which components the plasmid needed. Tracy gave us some information with which we quickly
identified crucial components of the plasmid and then designed it.
<p>In the end, each group presented their solution. The funniest and most creative approaches were celebrated. </p>
date='How to use AI as a scientist'
tag='Workshop Session I.'
<h5>Modern problems require modern solutions</h5>
<span>Computational technologies are getting more in the focus of scientific research. Integration of generative KI like GenAI bypass limitations and offers potential risks - learn how to implement Artificial Intelligence.
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date='Scientific Talk II.'
tag= 'Talks'
heading="Optimization of a DKR of a Tertiary Alcohol through Protein Engineering"
Karla Wagner, a PhD researcher at the <b>IOCB of the University of Bielefeld</b> with a background in organic chemistry and biotechnology. During the workshop, Karla discussed her research on optimizing the dynamic kinetic resolution (DKR) of tertiary alcohols using protein engineering. Her work focuses on sustainable chemistry practices, particularly by using enzymes in biocatalysis, aligning with the principles of sustainable chemistry.
Her presentation centered around her research on the synthesis of chiral tertiary alcohols, which are valuable in the production of pharmaceuticals, fragrances, and flavouring agents. She emphasized the importance of chirality in pharmaceuticals, noting how different enantiomers of a molecule can have drastically different effects, such as the case of Thalidomide.
date='Team project presentations'
tag= 'Team presentations'
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date='Poster Exhibition Booth'
tag= 'Team presentations'
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date='How to work safe'
tag='Workshop Session II.'
heading="About Dual-use and Biosafety"
text="Novel technologies opened possibilities and risks. Learn how you implement Safety and Security Strategies within your project and think more responsible in terms of Dual Use."
The biosafety workshop was held by Svenja Vinke. As a postdoctoral researcher specializing in synthetic biology at the Church Lab, Harvard Medical School. Svenja works on the iGEM Safety and Security Committee. Additionally, she was part of the Biosafety and Security Award Team of Bielefeld University in 2016.
First and foremost, she started the workshop by outlining the key concepts of biosafety and biosecurity, emphasizing how important laboratory safety is.
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<p>She also explained which safety aspects we should consider for our project: </p>
<li> <b>Dual use:</b> Refers to technology or research that can be used for both beneficial and harmful purposes. For example, AI designed for medical diagnosis could also be misused for harmful surveillance. Managing dual-use risks involves careful consideration of both the positive applications and the potential for misuse. </li>
<li> <b>Built-In Safety Levels:</b> This concept involves designing systems with multiple layers of safety to prevent failure or minimize harm. In technology and engineering, built-in safety levels ensure that even if one layer fails, others remain intact to maintain safe operation. </li>
<li> <b>Safe-by-Design: </b> Safe-by-Design emphasizes integrating safety considerations into the earliest stages of product or system development. By anticipating risks and hazards from the start, this approach proactively minimizes dangers before they become issues, leading to safer outcomes. </li>
Finally, each team gave brief presentations of their projects and engaged in a group discussion on potential security risks and general security considerations. Together, we brainstormed and identified specific aspects of each project that could present potential risks.
From Svenja’s seminar, we learned which safety-relevant aspects are particularly important, as well as the importance of examining a project from different perspectives to identify and minimize potential risks related to lab work and the environment.
text="Experience how science communication could be. Learn creative and funny ways to communicate difficult topics. Think outside the box and train your skills. "
This workshop was offered to us by StudSciCom as part of the BFH Meet-up program at Bielefeld University.
<a href=""> StudSciCom</a> is an initiative for science communication by students for students in Germany.
They held this workshop for us for the very
first time and we are glad that we were able to offer the uprising StudSciCom team a platform to try out this kind of outreach. In addition,
we were able to gain knowledge about proper science communication – a clear win-win situation for all of us!
Science communication is defined as the practice of informing, educating, and raising awareness about science-related topics among the general public
or specific audiences. It involves various methods such as writing articles, giving presentations, using social media, and engaging in public discussions
to make scientific knowledge accessible and understandable<SupScrollLink label="1"/>.
<h6>What did we learn?</h6>
Julia Kalinowski, PhD at Bielefeld University and Foreign Minister of StudSciCom, together with Carolin Malmendier,
former physics student and now organizer in the StudSciCom team, introduced us to the theories and practice
of different types of science communication and how to develop a communication strategy.
In detail, we were taught to ask ourselves several questions to define our topic, the medium of
communication, as well as the characterization of our target group and the planned achievement with our
science communication.
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<p>The key message for us was to plan the science communication before we dive in and to make sure that the
target audience gets the message we want to send. </p>
Afterwards, the attending iGEM teams talked about their science communication plans and how they could improve them
using the skills learned in this workshop. Our team revised their plans for explaining gene editing to
children and started developing experiments to help them better understand cystic fibrosis, which we
presented later onto the public at “Der Teuto ruft!” [Link], an event in Bielefeld to connect the local
population with regional companies and institutes to inform them about their work - including our iGEM team!
{/*<!-- Citation num 1--> */}
<li typeof="schema:ScolarlyArticle" role="doc-biblioentry" property="schema:citation" id="desc-1">
<span property="schema:author" typeof="schema:Person">
<span property="schema:Name"> Fischhoff, B.</span>
<span property="schema:name"> The sciences of science communication. </span>
<i property="schema:publisher" typeof="schema:Organization"> Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences</i>
<b property="issueNumber" typeof="PublicationIssue"> 110</b>,
<span property="schema:pageBegin"> 14033</span>-<span property="schema:pageEnd">14039</span>
(<time property="schema:datePublished" datatype="xsd:gYear" dateTime=" 2013">2013</time>).
<a className="doi" href=""> doi: 10.1073/pnas.1213273110</a>
date='How to Pitch Your Project'
tag='Workshop Session II.'
text="Image you have only three minutes with your boss to sell your idea...
After our workshop you learned techniques to sell every pen and even more to every boss on the planet.
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So much more
date='How to Multi Media'
tag='Workshop Session II.'
text="Learn the basics of filmmaking and video production.
Look behind the scenes and get in touch with professionals.
Train your skills to direct iGEM-related videos and movies."
<div id="multimedia" style={{display: "none"}}>
So much more
date='iGEMer Ted Talks'
tag= 'Talks'
heading="Secrets to award-winning bioinformatics tools"
text="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et"
<p>Lasse’s Ted talk was all about how to create good bioinformatics software. He himself was part of
the dry lab in iGEM Münster’s Team that won the best software special prize in 2022. The tool they
created allowed users to generate knockout candidates for an organism of their choice that would
lead to redirection of metabolic flux to a reaction chosen by the user. We learned that the most
important attributes for a successful bioinformatics software are: </p>
<li><b>Usefulness </b></li>
<li><b>Build upon existing standards </b></li>
<p>To ensure usefulness, the software should be generalized and not only usable in the context of one’s
own project. Also, all steps that can be automated should be automated. Accessibility, Lasse said,
requires for the software to be easy to install, easy to use and well documented. </p>
<p>As a funny, but also very fitting anecdote, Lasse told us about the HU test. For testing their own tool for
accessibility, he gave a bioinformatically unexperienced, <b>h</b>ungover <b>u</b>ndergraduate student
nothing but the software with the provided documentation. If the student can use the tool in a reasonable
amount time, that would make it accessible enough for everyone. Furthermore, Lasse also recommended making
a command line tool for better availability over time and integration into other workflows. Lastly, the
software should use standard data files like CSV, Fasta etc. and be written in commonly used programming
languages like Python. </p>
<p>Overall, Lasse gave a great insight into the properties of a special price winning software tool and very
practically explained how these can be tested and achieved, information that is invaluable for us when
creating our own bioinformatics tool. </p>
date='iGEMer Ted Talks'
tag= 'Talks'
heading="How to Create the Perfect Part Characterization"
<p>Merel provided us with strategies based on her cELPro project at TU Eindhoven on how to approach winning the special awards
for Composite Part and New Basic Part. Her team won the <a href="">Composite Part Prize and the Therapeutic Prize</a> at the 2023 iGEM
After presenting her team's project, Merel inspired us with ways we could also achieve this award. We learned different considerations to make, when it comes to part characterization:
<li>How to emphasize the innovativeness of the project</li>
<li>How to highlight the parts potential benefits </li>
<li>How to discuss whether these parts could be applied to other projects</li>
Many projects fail because the experiments conducted are too complex. Therefore, Merel encouraged us to initially carry out simpler experiments for our projects, like pH sensitivity and temperature response. Opening the mindset for other maybe more pragmatic experiments could change the focus of the project and drive the engineering cycle.
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Additionally, she showed us what a perfect submission for New Basic Part or Composite Part looks like. The Best Part Registry demonstrates great significance and should be filled with different results and representative analyses to characterize the parts. Conducting experiments for characterization and good documentation are just two aspects. The most crucial part is the demonstration of the part’s functions as intended.
We learned what effective strategies for the special awards Composite Part and New Basic Part might look like, and were provided with many helpful tips and tricks on how simple experiments for characterization could be designed.
heading="ChatGPT and Large Language Models"
text="At this year's BFH Meetup, experienced slammers and FameLab [Link] participants were once again able to take
to the stage and present their scientific topic as simply as possible in 5 minutes. "
<p>With Jonas Vaquet, a
research associate of the EU project ERC Waterfutures [Link], the audience explored Large Language Models
(LLMs) such as ChatGPT. The speaker humorously engaged the crowd, asking who had used such models, and
nearly all hands were raised in response. </p>
<p>The speaker introduced ChatGPT, a "Generative Pre-trained Transformer," using an interactive experiment where
the audience predicted the next words in sentences, showing how the model works with pre-trained data and
calculates text continuations. </p>
<p>While it is fair to say that ChatGPT is a powerful and helpful tool, it is important to focus on the potential
dangers and challenges it brings, which Jonas summarizes in three key factors in his talk: </p>
<li><b>Plagiarism Risks:</b> The speaker demonstrated how easy it is to unintentionally replicate existing
works, using a Harry Potter example to illustrate plagiarism risks in creative writing.</li>
<li><b>Hallucinations:</b> Language models can generate plausible but incorrect information, exemplified
by a fictitious CV with invented grades, highlighting risks in academic and professional use.</li>
<li><b>Lack of Opinion Formation:</b> ChatGPT does not form real opinions, leading to inconsistent
answers when asked for preferences.</li>
<p>Although large language models (LLMs) are trained with extensive collection of texts or spoken language,
they often fail in the accuracy required for scientific topics. Sources are seemingly conjured out of
thin air and claims vanish into thin air because their answers are based on statistical probabilities,
leading to confusion, especially for niche questions. </p>
<p>Jonas ended his talk by giving the audience food for thought. He reminded everyone who had eagerly
raised their hands at the beginning to always double-check ChatGPT's information, especially in
academic and professional settings. </p>
<p>With his interactive and humorous approach, Jonas turned the complex world of LLMs into an engaging
and accessible adventure, offering deep insights into the workings and idiosyncrasies of this
fascinating technology. </p>
heading="Microalgae for Sustainable Food Production "
text="Niklas, a biotechnologist and PhD student at the Faculty of Engineering at Bielefeld University, used his experience from previous science slams and his participation in a previous iGEM competition to present microalgae in a new light."
<p>With insights into his current research, Niklas introduced the audience to the innovative uses of chlorella
for sustainable food production. </p>
<p>The star of the show was the smallest vegetable in the world Chlorella is tiny (4 to 12 microns) but
very rich in nutrients: 45-65% protein, 10-20% fat, 10-20% carbohydrates, 5% fiber and various
vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B12. </p>
<p>Nicholas presented two production methods: </p>
<li><b>open pond systems:</b>these utilize light, CO₂ and water for photosynthesis, but have the problem
of the availability of light and water.</li>
<li><b>bioreactors:</b>modern, controlled, sterile environments that utilize sugar as an energy source,
significantly increase productivity and reduce water consumption.</li>
<p>Bioreactors are up to 100 times more productive and use 100 times less water than conventional methods.
Sounds perfect, right? But Nicholas had to burst the bubble and make it clear that the technology
still needs to be developed further. </p>
<p>In terms of sustainability, Nicholas had to emphasize that the whole process of microalgae production needs
to be questioned. He noted that the current carbon footprint calculations for bioreactors are outdated.
But fear not, our brave biotechnologist is on a mission to bring these figures up to date with his
groundbreaking research! </p>
<p>The curious audience asked questions about scalability, costs and sustainable sugar sources. Always up for a
challenge, Nicholas explained that the current high costs could be addressed by improving the productivity
of the bioreactors! However, he also emphasized that further research is needed to find a sustainable
source of sugar. </p>
<p>In his grand finale, Nicholas presented three wise insights: </p>
<li><b>biotechnology</b> goes far beyond medicine and opens the doors for sustainable food production.</li>
<li><b>sustainability </b> assessments must consider the entire production process - no detail should be overlooked!</li>
<li><b>chlorella</b>, the tiny, nutrient-rich microalgae, has the potential to be a hero in our future diet. </li>
<p>Nicholas captivated the audience with his vivid and eye-opening presentation. He guided them through the fascinating
and sometimes turbulent world of microalgae production, highlighting the challenges and opportunities of
this technology. The audience was not only informed but also entertained and ready to embrace the future
of sustainable nutrition with chlorella as their little green hero. </p>
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Award Ceremony