heading="Secrets to award-winning bioinformatics tools"
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So much more
<p>Lasse’s Ted talk was all about how to create good bioinformatics software. He himself was part of
the dry lab in iGEM Münster’s Team that won the best software special prize in 2022. The tool they
created allowed users to generate knockout candidates for an organism of their choice that would
lead to redirection of metabolic flux to a reaction chosen by the user. We learned that the most
important attributes for a successful bioinformatics software are: </p>
<li><b>Usefulness </b></li>
<li><b>Build upon existing standards </b></li>
<p>To ensure usefulness, the software should be generalized and not only usable in the context of one’s
own project. Also, all steps that can be automated should be automated. Accessibility, Lasse said,
requires for the software to be easy to install, easy to use and well documented. </p>
<p>As a funny, but also very fitting anecdote, Lasse told us about the HU test. For testing their own tool for
accessibility, he gave a bioinformatically unexperienced, <b>h</b>ungover <b>u</b>ndergraduate student
nothing but the software with the provided documentation. If the student can use the tool in a reasonable
amount time, that would make it accessible enough for everyone. Furthermore, Lasse also recommended making
a command line tool for better availability over time and integration into other workflows. Lastly, the
software should use standard data files like CSV, Fasta etc. and be written in commonly used programming
languages like Python. </p>
<p>Overall, Lasse gave a great insight into the properties of a special price winning software tool and very
practically explained how these can be tested and achieved, information that is invaluable for us when