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ui: update timeline

Fabio Maschi requested to merge ui/timeline-2024 into main

Add the 2023 figures, and update the past ones to be consistent with the following rules:

  • Aggregates all accepted and disqualified teams from the year
  • Exclude "Example" teams
  • Count number of participants (i.e., a person in two teams in that year is counted once)
  • Count only accepted members of the roster

For reference, the following query was used:

SELECT competition.year, count(DISTINCT as "teams", count(DISTINCT membership."memberUUID") as "participants"
FROM membership
INNER JOIN "group" ON membership."groupID" = "group".id
INNER JOIN team ON "group".id = team."groupID" AND team.status in ('accepted', 'disqualified') AND NOT LIKE '%Example%'
INNER JOIN competition ON team."competitionUUID" = competition.uuid
WHERE membership.status = 'accepted'
GROUP BY competition.year;

Summary by CodeRabbit

  • New Features

    • Added data for the year 2024, including new events and locations in the timeline.
  • Enhancements

    • Updated team counts and participant numbers for the years 2023 to 2004.
    • Adjusted event types and locations for various years in the timeline data.
Edited by CodeRabbit

Merge request reports
