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[Performance Enhancement] Improving Lighthouse Scores and Page Load Times

Martin Davila requested to merge fix/lighthouse-performance-enhancement into main

This Pull Request aims to enhance the performance of our web application as measured by Lighthouse scores and overall page load times. The changes implemented in this PR target key areas identified through Lighthouse audits and performance profiling, resulting in a more responsive and efficient user experience.

Changes Implemented:

Optimized Asset Loading: Improved the loading strategy for CSS and JavaScript assets to prioritize critical resources and defer non-essential ones, reducing render-blocking and speeding up initial page rendering. Image Optimization: Compressed and resized images to reduce file sizes without compromising quality, resulting in faster image loading times and improved overall page performance. Minification and Compression: Minified CSS and JavaScript files to remove unnecessary characters and reduce file sizes, while also enabling gzip compression for faster delivery to the client. Cache Optimization: Implemented caching strategies for static assets and API responses to leverage browser caching and reduce the number of network requests, leading to quicker subsequent page loads and improved overall performance. Code Splitting: Refactored code to implement code splitting techniques, dynamically loading JavaScript modules only when needed to reduce initial bundle sizes and improve time to interactive (TTI) metrics. Critical Path Rendering: Prioritized the rendering of above-the-fold content and critical resources to improve perceived performance and optimize the first meaningful paint (FMP) and first contentful paint (FCP) metrics. Accessibility and Best Practices: Addressed any accessibility and best practices issues flagged by Lighthouse audits, ensuring compliance with web standards and enhancing the overall user experience. Testing Strategy:

Conducted rigorous testing across various devices, browsers, and network conditions to validate the performance improvements and ensure compatibility with different environments. Utilized Lighthouse audits and other performance monitoring tools to measure and analyze the impact of the changes on key performance metrics, including load times, time to interactive, and Lighthouse scores. Reviewed and verified the changes with stakeholders to gather feedback and ensure alignment with project requirements and objectives. Impact and Benefits:

Substantial improvements in Lighthouse scores across performance, accessibility, best practices, and SEO categories, reflecting enhanced overall website quality and user experience. Reduced page load times and improved responsiveness, leading to increased user engagement, higher conversion rates, and improved search engine rankings. Enhanced scalability and maintainability of the codebase, with optimized assets and improved performance techniques facilitating future development and iteration. Additional Notes:

It's essential to emphasize that while we've focused on performance enhancements, we must not overlook accessibility considerations. Reviewing the contrast ratios of colors, especially grays, is crucial to ensuring compliance with accessibility standards such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Accessibility improvements go hand in hand with performance enhancements to provide an inclusive and user-friendly experience for all users. Screenshots:

Before and after screenshots of Lighthouse report performance monitoring tools.Screenshot_2024-03-13_at_10.38.34Screenshot_2024-03-13_at_10.39.07

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