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Feat/jamboree/road to 2024

Cody Adam requested to merge feat/jamboree/road-to-2024 into main

All website

  • Top Navbar updated jamboree dates/year
  • Top Navbar updated competition text

Jamboree updates

  • Villages modal refactoring
  • Navbar Photo link updated
  • Year selector design refactor
  • Hide the Get a pass button
  • Added the Grand winner section with video
  • Removed Final day show (old)
  • Added the new Final Day Show Recap Videos carousel
  • Update Video aftermovie Url to 2023
  • Update the image gallery for mobile
  • Rename press section -> In the News
  • Update Stats text to past tense
  • Update Village section text and title
  • Removed the Pavilions & Booths section
  • Removed the Sessions & Workshops section

  • Update jamboree program card year/text
  • Update competition program card text


  • Update main banner
  • Update Video after movie Url to 2023
Edited by Cody Adam

Merge request reports