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teams: fix judging form things

Tianyi Liang requested to merge fix/judging-form-check-status into main

Bug description

  • After a draft j-form is saved, when update it, checkbox goes wrong since some hooks(or value overwrite something). It's Difficult to refactor in a short period of time.
  • If click checkbox first, and then turn to the link, the value will not be detected and submitting process will be failed (since it's required in the form).

Tried to

  • handle checked === true in different levels, including reseting the form field when load the components/hooks, failed


  • Simply re-constructing the form.value it in DTO level works, remove all checked flag but keep the part-names and selected prizes
  • Since current this FE implementation trigger re-load form after save, some checked data would be removed, which make submitting after saving impossible. As we already have implemented submit with save and submit in BE and team can withdraw submitted form as draft form, so simply remove onSave in FE, use onSubmit directly (close to the implementation of 2023)
  • Refactor RequiredLinkCheckbox to avoid team clicking checkbox first which may results unknown error, optimize language expression at the same time

Merge request reports
