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[SD-9] - Networking

Orestis Athanasopoulos Antoniou requested to merge feat/SD-9-networking into main

Closes SD-9

This MR adds the 'Networking' feature to the Jamboree websites. The feature will allow users that opt-in (consent is required in order to share their contact information with other users) to add,accept,reject and remove contacts from a pool of attendees for a given event.

Furthermore the MR:

  • recreates a jamboree app version of the pagination query filters that are used in HQ tables and customises the header to work with the networking feature
  • adds a new networkingSlice to support the current and future extensions of the networking feature
  • removes the outlines from the dropdownFilter search to improve user experience

Still in progress:

  • Networking preferences update after the initial opt-in/opt-out (It will probably be in the accounts but TBD with Andrés)
  • The Jamboree app navbar (currently implemented in order to match the design but I'm not sure if this supposed to be released before the actual Jamboree)




Edited by Orestis Athanasopoulos Antoniou

Merge request reports