<p>Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a term for two conditions (Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis) that are characterized by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This prolonged inflammation results in damage to the GI tract. IBD can be debilitating and sometimes leads to life-threatening complications.</p>
<p>While the exact cause of IBD is unknown, it's believed to be the result of a defective immune system. A properly functioning immune system attacks foreign organisms, such as viruses and bacteria, to protect the body. In IBD, the immune system responds incorrectly to environmental triggers, which causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.</p>
<p>The incidence of IBD in China increased from <strongstyle="color: #fa8072;">1.45/100,000</strong> to <strongstyle="color: #fa8072;">3.62/100,000</strong> from 1990 to 2019, with an overall increase of <strongstyle="color: #fa8072;">149.66%</strong>; the standardized incidence rate increased from <strongstyle="color: #fa8072;">1.47/100,000</strong> to <strongstyle="color: #fa8072;">3.01/100,000</strong>, with an overall increase of <strongstyle="color: #fa8072;">104.76%</strong>. IBD has the tendency to become prevalence in China. That's why we are here to help.</p>