<h4>1. Initial Consultation and Collaboration</h4>
<p>We began by reaching out to 包国红老师, an expert from the China Braille Press, to understand the specific needs of visually impaired individuals. Her feedback was invaluable in guiding the adaptations required to make our booklet accessible for those with vision impairments</p>
<p>We began by reaching out to Mrs Bao Guohong, an expert from the China Braille Press, to understand the specific needs of visually impaired individuals. Her feedback was invaluable in guiding the adaptations required to make our booklet accessible for those with vision impairments</p>
<h4>2. Learning and Insights from Consultation</h4>
<p>From 包国红老师, we learned about the different categories of accessible formats, such as Braille, large-print books, and audiobooks. We were also made aware of key design principles, such as:</p>
<p>From Mrs Bao Guohong, we learned about the different categories of accessible formats, such as Braille, large-print books, and audiobooks. We were also made aware of key design principles, such as:</p>
<li>Increasing font size to a minimum of 15pt for readability.</li>
<li>Using sans-serif fonts like Arial or Helvetica for better clarity.</li>