@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ export function Description() {
<p>All these challenges complicate the work with LNPs and present scientists with a great challenge, which makes working with LNPs even more important to find solutions.</p>
<p>To optimize AirBuddy for pulmonary delivery, we collaborated extensively with several experts, including <aonClick={()=>goToPagesAndOpenTab('weber','/human-practices')}>Prof. Weber, Dr. Große-Onnebrink</a> and <aonClick={()=>goToPagesAndOpenTab('kolonkofirst','/human-practices')}>Dr. Kolonko</a> as medical experts, <aonClick={()=>goToPagesAndOpenTab('kristian','/human-practices')}>Prof. Dr. Müller</a>, <aonClick={()=>goToPagesAndOpenTab('radukic','/human-practices')}>Dr. Radukic</a>, <aonClick={()=>goToPagesAndOpenTab('moorlach','/human-practices')}>Benjamin Moorlach</a> and the <aonClick={()=>goToPagesAndOpenTab('biophysik','/human-practices')}>Physical and Biophysical Chemistry working group</a> as academic experts form Bielefeld University and FH Bielefeld as well as <aonClick={()=>goToPagesAndOpenTab('corden','/human-practices')}>Corden Pharma</a> and <aonClick={()=>goToPagesAndOpenTab('rnhale','/human-practices')}>RNhale</a> as industrial experts. Throughout the <aonClick={()=>goToPagesAndOpenTab('delivery head','/engineering')}>development process</a>, we tested two commercially available kits: the <strong>Cayman Chemical LNP Exploration Kit (LNP-102)</strong> and the <strong>Corden Pharma LNP Starter Kit #2</strong>. While the Cayman kit demonstrated limited transfection efficiency, the Corden Pharma formulation significantly enhanced cellular uptake in lung tissues. Building on this, we integrated the <strong>SORT LNP</strong> method based on Wang's research <SupScrollLinklabel="1"/> , making our nanoparticles lung-specific. Additionally, we employed the <strong>spray-drying technique</strong> in cooperation with RNhale <SupScrollLinklabel="2"/> to improve the stability of our LNP, ensuring that it withstands the inhalation process without degradation. This stability is crucial for the efficient delivery of mRNA into lung epithelial cells, where PrimeGuide can effectively perform genome editing.</p>