if (u&&(s.dark=window.matchMedia&&window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches),!("customElements"inwindow)||!("ResizeObserver"inwindow)){
"accessibility / xy-grid / axis-x-date":"Horizontal date axis, ranging from %from% to %to%.",
"accessibility / xy-grid / axis-x-log":"Horizontal axis, ranging from %from% to %to%.",
"accessibility / xy-grid / axis-x-number":"Horizontal axis, ranging from %from% to %to%.",
"accessibility / xy-grid / axis-x-text":"Horizontal category axis, ranging from %from% to %to%.",
"accessibility / xy-grid / axis-y-date":"Vertical date axis, ranging from %from% to %to%.",
"accessibility / xy-grid / axis-y-log":"Vertical axis, ranging from %from% to %to%.",
"accessibility / xy-grid / axis-y-number":"Vertical axis, ranging from %from% to %to%.",
"accessibility / xy-grid / axis-y-text":"Vertical category axis, ranging from %from% to %to%.",
"blocks / attribution":"Created with",
"blocks / byline / fork":"Based on",
"blocks / byline / chart":"Chart:",
"blocks / byline / map":"Map:",
"blocks / byline / table":"Table:",
"blocks / download-image":"Download image",
"blocks / download-pdf":"Download PDF",
"blocks / download-svg":"Download SVG",
"blocks / edit-in-datawrapper":"Create a copy",
"blocks / embed":"Embed",
"blocks / embed / caption":"You can copy and paste this <b>code to embed</b> the visualization:",
"blocks / get-the-data":"Get the data",
"blocks / map-attribution":"Map data",
"blocks / source":"Source",
"expanded-view-note":"This is the extended area for the inset map on mobile. You can disable this feature.",
"fallback-image-note":"(Please use a modern browser to see the interactive version of this visualization)",
"insufficient-data-bars":"<b>Not enough data to show a bar chart.</b> You need at least one numeric column in your dataset. Please go back to the <a href=\"/chart/%chartid%/describe\" target=\"_parent\">\"Check & Describe\"</a> step and check your data.",
"insufficient-data-columns":"<b>Not enough data to show a column chart.</b> You need at least one numeric column in your dataset. Please go back to the <a href=\"/chart/%chartid%/describe\" target=\"_parent\">\"Check & Describe\"</a> step and check your data.",
"insufficient-data-donut":"<b>Not enough data to show a donut chart.</b> You need at least one numeric column in your dataset. Please go back to the <a href=\"/chart/%chartid%/describe\" target=\"_parent\">\"Check & Describe\"</a> step and check your data.",
"insufficient-data-dot-plot":"<b>Not enough data to show a dot plot.</b> You need at least one numeric column in your dataset. Please go back to the <a href=\"/chart/%chartid%/describe\" target=\"_parent\">\"Check & Describe\"</a> step and check your data.",
"insufficient-data-lines":"<b>Not enough data to show a line or area chart.</b> Please go back to the <a href=\"/chart/%chartid%/describe\" target=\"_parent\">\"Check & Describe\"</a> step and check your data.",
"insufficient-data-pie":"<b>Not enough data to show a pie chart.</b> You need at least one numeric column in your dataset. Please go back to the <a href=\"/chart/%chartid%/describe\" target=\"_parent\">\"Check & Describe\"</a> step and check your data.",
"insufficient-data-range-arrow":"<b>Not enough data to show a range or arrow plot.</b> You need at least two numeric columns in your dataset. Please go back to the <a href=\"/chart/%chartid%/describe\" target=\"_parent\">\"Check & Describe\"</a> step and check your data.",
"no-results-found":"No matching records found",
"pagination":"Page $0 of $1",
"show-less":"Show less",
"show-more":"Show $0 more",
"symbol-labels-less-than-7":"%count% symbols are labelled: %labels%, and \"%last%\".",
"symbol-labels-more-than-7":"Some symbols are labelled, including %labels%, and %others% others.",
"table-search-placeholder":"Search in table",
"truncated-rows":"Additional $0 rows not shown.",
"accessibility / multiple-line-chart / chart-single":"A single line chart.",
"accessibility / multiple-line-chart / chart-multiple":"A grid of %count% line charts.",
"accessibility / multiple-line-chart / panel-group-multiple":"A group of %count% panels.",
"accessibility / multiple-line-chart / panel-group-single":"A group with a single panel.",
"accessibility / multiple-line-chart / panel-single":"Chart panel with title \"%title%\" containing one line.",
"accessibility / multiple-line-chart / panel-multiple":"Chart panel with title \"%title%\" containing %count% lines.",
"accessibility / multiple-line-chart / lines-multiple":"A group of %count% lines.",
"accessibility / multiple-line-chart / line":"Line showing %count% values for \"%title%\".",
"accessibility / color-legend / category-many":"Category legend with %count% items. %items_description%",
"accessibility / color-legend / category-items-few":"The items are %items%.",
"accessibility / color-legend / category-items-many":"The first 3 items are %items%. The last one is %last%.",
"accessibility / multiple-line-chart / panel-single-annotation-single":"Chart panel with title \"%title%\" containing one line and one annotation.",
"accessibility / multiple-line-chart / panel-multiple-annotation-single":"Chart panel with title \"%title%\" containing %count% lines and one annotation.",
"accessibility / multiple-line-chart / panel-multiple-annotation-multiple":"Chart panel with title \"%title%\" containing %count% lines and %annotations% annotations.",
"accessibility / multiple-line-chart / panel-single-annotation-multiple":"Chart panel with title \"%title%\" containing one line and %annotations% annotations.",
"accessibility / multiple-line-chart / annotation-single":"The panel has one annotation.",
"accessibility / multiple-line-chart / annotation-multiple":"The panel has %count% annotations."