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Wiki Module clean up for 2023

Fabio Maschi requested to merge feat/wiki-2023 into main

Main points

  • Refactor with new broken version of @gitbeaker, we might consider not using it at all, many calls don't work/are not supported
  • Removed a lot of unmaintained code
  • New freeze behaviour:
    • Before: Repositories were archived, so no one would be able to do anything else with them, they would be shown in the "archived" section of groups
    • Now: main branches are protected, and only Maintainers can merge and push, which means team members can still work in other branches. This will be helpful when teams need to change something in their wikis, they just do it and someone at HQ approves the MR.


  • Node version updated to 18.16.0 because of @gitbeaker/core
Edited by Fabio Maschi

Merge request reports
