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Created with Raphaël 2.2.01Oct30Sep29282726252423201613121110654327Aug2623222120191518Jun171413427May221817167Jun13Jul20Jun17added protocol 2added 1 protocolsome modificationsprotocols backbonecontinue backbone mmtext materialls made names smaller so they would fitbackbone of materials and methodsfinal project description with fixed references, and linksfinal homepage with references and proper linkschange images to have referencestranslatephoto creditphoto creditphot creditphoto creditremove references for a secfix positions of referencesreferences and link fixes in home pageremoved an extra -added tu delft logo to the navbarlogotu delft logo appears only oncetu delft logo on navbarprev navbarsmalltu delft logotu delft logoadd tu delft logoupdated missing text entrepreneurshpREFERENCESHPadded references sectionpost text HPremoved a picchange of sectionspictures_hPmore text HPtext up hpmore sections on HPadded extra sections