<p>Our investigations began with an in-depth computational analysis of B. bigelowii’s proteome [1, 7] to identify potential signals marking proteins for import into UCYN-A. Based on these results, we designed fluorescent protein-transit peptide constructs for expression in model organisms to show that the identified signals indeed localize to UCYN-A. To pave the way for transplanting the nitroplast into new organisms, we also explored the feasibility of physically inserting UCYN-A into a new host by attempting cell fusion experiments. Furthermore, we successfully established a culture of B. bigelowii and tested a new protocol for isolating UCYN-A. These experiments collectively aim to elucidate the mechanisms of UCYN-A's endosymbiotic relationship and lay the groundwork for future engineering of nitrogen-fixing symbionts into new host organisms.</p>
<p>Our investigations began with an in-depth computational analysis of B. bigelowii’s proteome [1, 7] to identify potential signals marking proteins for import into UCYN-A. Based on these results, we designed fluorescent protein-transit peptide constructs for expression in model organisms to show that the identified signals indeed localize to UCYN-A. To pave the way for transplanting the nitroplast into new organisms, we also explored the feasibility of physically inserting UCYN-A into a new host by attempting cell fusion experiments. Furthermore, we successfully established a culture of B. bigelowii and tested a new protocol for isolating UCYN-A. These experiments collectively aim to elucidate the mechanisms of UCYN-A's endosymbiotic relationship and lay the groundwork for future engineering of nitrogen-fixing symbionts into new host organisms.</p>
<imgsrc="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5054/graphical-abstract.png"alt="Fig 1: Graphical overview of the experiment plan.
<imgsrc="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5054/graphical-abstract.png"alt="Fig 1: Graphical overview of the experiment plan.">
<figcaption>Fig 1: Graphical overview of the experiment plan. </figcaption>