<p>We are making our code and data publicly available to help future iGEM teams who wish to build on our work.</p>
<p>The code used to characterize the uTP sequences is available on <ahref="https://gitlab.igem.org/mablin/utp-sequence-analysis">this repository</a>.</p>
<p>The list of selected <em>B. bigelowii</em> protein sequences with C-terminal uTP can be downloaded <ahref="{{ url_for('static', filename='good-c-term-fill.fasta') }}">here</a></p>
<p>The list of selected <em>B. bigelowii</em> protein sequences with C-terminal uTP can be downloaded <ahref="{{ url_for('static', filename='good-c-term-full.fasta') }}">here</a></p>
<p>The consensus structure obrained for uTP can be downloaded <ahref="{{ url_for('static', filename='consensus-c-term.pdb') }}">here</a></p>
<p>Our predicted <em>B. bigelowii</em> proteome is available upon request.</p>
<p>The sequences of all primers used in our experiments can be found here <ahref="{{ url_for('static', filename='primers.csv') }}">here</a></p>