<divonclick="goTo(document.getElementById('seven'))"><spanid="subtitle7"style="color: #62D881;"><em>B. bigelowii</em> on list A1</div></span></div>
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<p>As a single iGEM team, we have limited resources and time, but our vision is grand. Since we were limited in how much we could do, we have worked to create a roadmap of experiments that need to be performed and conditions that need to be fulfilled for UCYN-A to thrive inside a different organism from its natural host. Within the roadmap, some modules can be completed independently from each other, and others that follow chronologically. As these modules are picked up and completed in the future by different teams they will converge into an engineered, nitrogen-fixing eukaryotic cell. </p>
<p>You can see the roadmap here</p></div>
<divclass="h1"><em>B. bigelowii</em> on list A1</div>
<p>B. bigelowii is an organism of great interest thanks to UCYN-A. This is because the nitroplast is something like an “evolutionary snapshot” of organellogenesis, and its capability to fix nitrogen makes B. bigelowii the only known nitrogen-fixing eukaryote. However, B. bigelowii is not a model organism, and as a coccolithophore with no biosafety class assigned by any institution, it can prove complicated to gain authorization to work with it. Meanwhile, many experiments on our roadmap for the future of nitroplast transplantation involve modifying B. bigelowii, so this presented a problem.
<p>We have worked together with our department's biosafety officer to submit a formal request to the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) for B. bigelowii to be approved into list A1. Organisms in this list are considered equal to common model organisms like E. coli in terms of biosafety and so they can be genetically modified in BSL-1 labs, insofar as no hazardous sequences are involved. We believe this classification will facilitate future research on B. bigelowii by Dutch teams immensely and should make it easier for teams from other countries to get clearance on experiments as well.</p>
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