We designed a comprehensive <spanclassName='bold-font'>questionnaire</span> covering patient <spanclassName='bold-font'>medical history</span>, <spanclassName='bold-font'>current symptoms</span>, treatment experience, and awareness of <spanclassName='bold-font'>new therapies</span> like probiotics. This allows us to collect <spanclassName='bold-font'>real-world data</span> to further our research on HE.
@@ -260,7 +253,9 @@ export function HumanPractices() {
<spanclassName='bold-font'>Hepatic encephalopathy (HE)</span> is a neurological disorder caused by liver dysfunction, with symptoms like <spanclassName='bold-font'>cognitive impairment</span>, <spanclassName='bold-font'>emotional instability</span>, and decreased <spanclassName='bold-font'>social functioning</span>, all of which affect <spanclassName='bold-font'>quality of life</span>. Many patients have <spanclassName='bold-font'>low self-awareness</span> of their condition, delaying treatment and increasing psychological burden. Our goal is to explore why HE patients have low awareness of their symptoms and stress.
@@ -284,6 +279,21 @@ export function HumanPractices() {
We received <spanclassName='bold-font'>725 responses</span>, including <spanclassName='bold-font'>350 HE patients</span>. Only <spanclassName='bold-font'>3.5%</span> could accurately recognize the severity of their condition, with most patients underestimating their symptoms. Comparisons with <spanclassName='bold-font'>clinical assessments</span> showed that patients' self-reported symptoms were generally lower than professional evaluations. Over <spanclassName='bold-font'>65%</span> of participants had never actively assessed their condition, despite some using mobile apps. These findings highlight the need to improve <spanclassName='bold-font'>self-awareness</span> in HE patients, which is crucial for better treatment planning.