<h6style="text-align:center"> Role 1, Role 2, and Role 3</h6>
<pstyle="margin: 0 5%;">Hi! I'm a generic member, and I exist for the sole purpose of being a template so that I can eventually get replaced by a REAL member :) My interests are helping the lead programmer :D</p>
<h6style="text-align:center">Student Team Leader of the Radboud iGEM Team</h6>
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Chemistry Bachelor.
Why am I joining iGEM?
I'm very excited to join iGEM competition, since our team is the first in Radboud University history, participating in this international synthetic biology celebration.
I am honored to be the person to take the initiative and to make this project to happen, to develop multiple new skills and knowledge, and grow alongside with our wonderful team.
Together, we've shown Radboud and the world that with dedication and enthusiasm, we can achieve remarkable things.
I hope our efforts inspire future students at Radboud to continue this journey and form a new team in 2025.
For now, I’m excited to present our project, InfinityF♾️, to the global iGEM community and the jury at this year’s finals!
<pstyle="margin: 0 5%;">Hi! I'm a generic member, and I exist for the sole purpose of being a template so that I can eventually get replaced by a REAL member :) My interests are helping the lead programmer :D</p>
<h6style="text-align:center"> Role 1, Role 2, and Role 3</h6>
<pstyle="margin: 0 5%;">Hi! I'm a generic member, and I exist for the sole purpose of being a template so that I can eventually get replaced by a REAL member :) My interests are helping the lead programmer :D</p>
<h6style="text-align:center">Head video production, literature research and wet lab.</h6>
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I am a 3rd year bachelor student at the Radboud university.
I study Molecular Life Sciences with a focus on molecular biology.
In my studies I am interested in gene expression and regulation.
iGEM for me is a way to apply theoretical knowledge in a real research environment and a way to learn many new skills, like new lab techniques, but also communication and presentation skills.
I love being creative; drawing, writing stories, making videos.
I don’t get to use my creative skills often in my day to day studying, so I was very excited to take on the job of creating our promotion and presentation video as well as designing our team logo.
I would love to make an effort to keep next generation at Radboud interested in iGEM and synthetic biology.
<pstyle="margin: 0 5%;">Hi! I'm a generic member, and I exist for the sole purpose of being a template so that I can eventually get replaced by a REAL member :) My interests are helping the lead programmer :D</p>