<pstyle="margin: 0 5%;">Hi! I'm a generic member, and I exist for the sole purpose of being a template so that I can eventually get replaced by a REAL member :) My interests are helping the lead programmer :D</p>
<h6style="text-align:center"> Role 1, Role 2, and Role 3</h6>
<pstyle="margin: 0 5%;">Hi! I'm a generic member, and I exist for the sole purpose of being a template so that I can eventually get replaced by a REAL member :) My interests are helping the lead programmer :D</p>
My name is Frank Nelissen, and I am working as a research associate at the department of Biophysical Chemistry of the Radboud University for over 20 years.
I am experienced in working with nucleic acids, proteins and enzymes and modifying / labelling them for different kinds of research purposes.
I am also involved in a couple of practical courses for 1st and 2nd year students of the Molecular Life Sciences program from which the affinity of working with and educating of students comes from.
I see iGEM as a particularly well suited challenge for students who want to explore and learn how to work on a larger-than-a-lab-course synthetic biology project where deliverables have to be met and multiple disciplines of science and society come together.
I am happy to fulfil my role as instructor for the Radboud iGEM team and together try to find solutions for the research questions.