| BioBrick Part | Short Description | Part Type | Sequence | Assembly Compatibility | Designed By | Module | References |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [Part 1](link to part) | Part Name | Type | <SequenceDialogsequence="aga"/> | <v-chipcolor="blue">21</v-chip><v-chipcolor="orange">1000</v-chip> | Iulia Beres | Module | <DialogReferencedisplayText="Hui, C. et al. (April 9, 2018)"mainText=" Surface display of PbrR on Escherichia coli and evaluation of the bioavailability of lead associated with engineering cells in mice. Scientific Reports 8(5685). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-24134-3"/><br><DialogReferencedisplayText="Hui, C. et al. (April 9, 2018)"mainText=" Surface display of PbrR on Escherichia coli and evaluation of the bioavailability of lead associated with engineering cells in mice. Scientific Reports 8(5685). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-24134-3"/> |
| [Part 1](link to part) | Part Name | Type | <SequenceDialogsequence="aga"/> | <v-chipcolor="blue">21</v-chip><v-chipcolor="orange">1000</v-chip> | Iulia Beres | Module | <DialogReferencedisplayText="Hui, C. et al. (April 9, 2018)"mainText=" Surface display of PbrR on Escherichia coli and evaluation of the bioavailability of lead associated with engineering cells in mice. Scientific Reports 8(5685). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-24134-3"/><br><DialogReferencedisplayText="Hui, C. et al. (April 9, 2018)"mainText=" Surface display of PbrR on Escherichia coli and evaluation of the bioavailability of lead associated with engineering cells in mice. Scientific Reports 8(5685). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-24134-3"/> |
| [Part 1](link to part) | Part Name | Type | <SequenceDialogsequence="aga"/> | <v-chipcolor="blue">21</v-chip><v-chipcolor="orange">1000</v-chip> | Iulia Beres | Module | <DialogReferencedisplayText="Hui, C. et al. (April 9, 2018)"mainText=" Surface display of PbrR on Escherichia coli and evaluation of the bioavailability of lead associated with engineering cells in mice. Scientific Reports 8(5685). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-24134-3"/><br><DialogReferencedisplayText="Hui, C. et al. (April 9, 2018)"mainText=" Surface display of PbrR on Escherichia coli and evaluation of the bioavailability of lead associated with engineering cells in mice. Scientific Reports 8(5685). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-24134-3"/> |
| [Part 1](link to part) | Part Name | Type | <SequenceDialogsequence="aga"/> | <v-chipcolor="blue">21</v-chip><v-chipcolor="orange">1000</v-chip> | Iulia Beres | Module | <DialogReferencedisplayText="Hui, C. et al. (April 9, 2018)"mainText=" Surface display of PbrR on Escherichia coli and evaluation of the bioavailability of lead associated with engineering cells in mice. Scientific Reports 8(5685). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-24134-3"/><br><DialogReferencedisplayText="Hui, C. et al. (April 9, 2018)"mainText=" Surface display of PbrR on Escherichia coli and evaluation of the bioavailability of lead associated with engineering cells in mice. Scientific Reports 8(5685). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-24134-3"/> |
| [Part 1](link to part) | Part Name | Type | <SequenceDialogsequence="aga"/> | <v-chipcolor="blue">21</v-chip><v-chipcolor="orange">1000</v-chip> | Iulia Beres | Module | <DialogReferencedisplayText="Hui, C. et al. (April 9, 2018)"mainText=" Surface display of PbrR on Escherichia coli and evaluation of the bioavailability of lead associated with engineering cells in mice. Scientific Reports 8(5685). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-24134-3"/><br><DialogReferencedisplayText="Hui, C. et al. (April 9, 2018)"mainText=" Surface display of PbrR on Escherichia coli and evaluation of the bioavailability of lead associated with engineering cells in mice. Scientific Reports 8(5685). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-24134-3"/> |
| [Part 1](link to part) | Part Name | Type | <SequenceDialogsequence="aga"/> | <v-chipcolor="blue">21</v-chip><v-chipcolor="orange">1000</v-chip> | Iulia Beres | Module | <DialogReferencedisplayText="Hui, C. et al. (April 9, 2018)"mainText=" Surface display of PbrR on Escherichia coli and evaluation of the bioavailability of lead associated with engineering cells in mice. Scientific Reports 8(5685). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-24134-3"/><br><DialogReferencedisplayText="Hui, C. et al. (April 9, 2018)"mainText=" Surface display of PbrR on Escherichia coli and evaluation of the bioavailability of lead associated with engineering cells in mice. Scientific Reports 8(5685). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-24134-3"/> |
| [Part 1](link to part) | Part Name | Type | <SequenceDialogsequence="aga"/> | <v-chipcolor="blue">21</v-chip><v-chipcolor="orange">1000</v-chip> | Iulia Beres | Module | <DialogReferencedisplayText="Hui, C. et al. (April 9, 2018)"mainText=" Surface display of PbrR on Escherichia coli and evaluation of the bioavailability of lead associated with engineering cells in mice. Scientific Reports 8(5685). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-24134-3"/><br><DialogReferencedisplayText="Hui, C. et al. (April 9, 2018)"mainText=" Surface display of PbrR on Escherichia coli and evaluation of the bioavailability of lead associated with engineering cells in mice. Scientific Reports 8(5685). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-24134-3"/> |
| [Part 1](link to part) | Part Name | Type | <SequenceDialogsequence="aga"/> | <v-chipcolor="blue">21</v-chip><v-chipcolor="orange">1000</v-chip> | Iulia Beres | Module | <DialogReferencedisplayText="Hui, C. et al. (April 9, 2018)"mainText=" Surface display of PbrR on Escherichia coli and evaluation of the bioavailability of lead associated with engineering cells in mice. Scientific Reports 8(5685). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-24134-3"/><br><DialogReferencedisplayText="Hui, C. et al. (April 9, 2018)"mainText=" Surface display of PbrR on Escherichia coli and evaluation of the bioavailability of lead associated with engineering cells in mice. Scientific Reports 8(5685). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-24134-3"/> |