<p>While working on the project, thought was also put into the means of actual implementation of our engineered organisms. As such, the below chamber system was designed, in order to visualise the closed system envisioned by the team.
<!-- Chamber System Video -->
<divstyle="text-align: center;">
<h4style="color: #396d7e;"><b>Video 1.</b> Natronaut's 3D Chamber System Model.</h4>
3D rendering created by Natronaut team member Jakub Cichocki, with the 3D modelling software <ahref="https://www.blender.org/"target="_blank"style="text-decoration: none;"onmouseover="this.style.textDecoration='underline'"onmouseout="this.style.textDecoration='none'">Blender</a> and video created with <ahref="https://www.canva.com/"style="text-decoration: none;"onmouseover="this.style.textDecoration='underline'"onmouseout="this.style.textDecoration='none'"> Canva</a>.
<pstyle="color: #333;"> As can be seen, the system is composed of six distinct sections:
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<!-- Day in the life video 1 -->
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<h4style="color: #396d7e;"><b>Video 2.</b> Day in the Life of an iGEM Member: Dry Lab</h4>
This video follows a day in the life of Natronaut team member Maria Sole Zanetti, during the dry lab period of Natronaut's journey.
<pstyle="color: #333;"> Additionally, after this video was posted, the team received requests for a similar video once the laboratory work was set, to see the practical aspects behind iGEM. This is why, later on, a second video was posted.
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<!-- Day in the life video 2 -->
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<h4style="color: #396d7e;"><b>Video 3.</b> Day in the Life of an iGEM Member: Wet Lab</h4>
This video follows a day in the life of Natronaut team member Devyani Ravi, during the wet lab period of Natronaut's journey.
<pstyle="color: #333;">The team even received a few private messages responding to the video, asking for more details on the iGEM experience and how to apply to the program.