<pstyle="color: #333;">Their products have an organic and a mineral part, composed of primarily nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K). The organo-mineral combination is more efficient in a plant’s sustainment as the mineral part lasts for a longer time in the soil, allowing the plant for a continuous uptake of nutrients.
<h4style="color: #396d7e;">The N-P-K Triad</h4>
<h4style="color: #396d7e;">The N-P-K Triad</h4>
<pstyle="color: #333;">The triad of minerals <b>N-P-K</b> is essential for plant growth and well-being. However, only about 40-60% of nitrogen and potassium (K<sub>2</sub>O) is absorbed by the plant and only 10-20% of phosphorous (PO<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub>) is up-taken from chemical fertilizers. The rest is then lost into water or air, which poses a major threat. Organo-mineral products enhance by 30% the uptake of nitrogen and potassium, and 100% of phosphorous as this company carefully selects and controls the materials to have physical and biochemical protection of the mineral fraction to stimulate roots and vegetative growth (Benedetti et al, n.d.). However, even in the best-case scenario, a part of the macronutrients is inevitably lost: about 20-60% of nitrogen, 60-90 % of phosphorous, and 25-80% of potassium end in waters. Hence, prevention is key to reducing the eutrophication problem but it is not enough.