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23- Vishwaa Kannan authored
+ 56
− 30
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<p>Using Amber, ChimeraX, and AutoDock Vina, we engineered and tested various mutations on hlFAB to enhance its lower detection limit. To streamline the calculation of the dissociation constant (Kd) using MMPBSA, we developed an automated pipeline. This pipeline outputs an Excel-compatible data file and a PDB file from the final simulation step, allowing for easy visualization of charge contributions. It integrates all critical steps of molecular dynamics simulation, including LEaP for system parameterization, a minimization step using steepest descent, a heating phase to bring the system to 300K, a density equilibration step to stabilize the system and allows for RMSD tracking, followed by equilibration, and finally, a 10-nanosecond production run, from which data for MMPBSA analysis is extracted. The pipeline also includes MMPBSA calculations, and a custom Python script that formats the raw output data into a user-friendly format. It is available in our team's software repository along with all prerequisite files. This pipeline is free to use and can assist teams in determining the effectiveness of ligand-receptor interactions. Additionally, it is fully customizable, making it adaptable for use with other ligands beyond PFOA.</p>
<p>We have created a VCell BioModel that simulates our entire gene circuit. This model includes all components for the pRMA_GFP, FAB_GFP, and the Synt_Tran factor construct, all extremely valuable systems in synthetic biology that do not yet have a VCell model. With a few modifications, our model can be used to model different types of genetic circuits involving the LuxR-LuxI gene regulatory system.</p>
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