<p>Virtual Cell, or VCell, is a software platform <spanclass="highlight">used to model cellular systems</span>. We are using VCell to model the four primary constructs (names listed in experiments) we researched this year to detect PFAS, <spanclass="highlight">as well as</span> other pathways. VCell is a valuable platform because it allows us to <spanclass="highlight">run simulations on the constructs</span> we built. Additionally, VCell is user-friendly and easy to learn, as most functions are self-explanatory.</p>
<p>Virtual Cell, or VCell, is a software platform <spanclass="highlight">used to model cellular systems</span>. We are using VCell to model the four primary constructs (names listed in experiments) we researched this year to detect PFAS, <spanclass="highlight">as well as</span> other pathways. VCell is a valuable platform because it allows us to <spanclass="highlight">run simulations on the constructs</span> we built. Additionally, VCell is user-friendly and easy to learn, as most functions are self-explanatory.</p>
<p>This year we used VCell to run simulation on our 4 constructs, as well as test other signal strentgehning pathways.We also ran numerous experiments using Vcell and explored new properties that were released into Vcell in its newest update.Vcell is a very simple software to understand and performs complex simulations in a simplistic manner for its users.Additionally Vcell allows us to run deterministic and stochastic simulations.A deterministic simulation is performed using math so determine its answer, however one setback is that the answer is always the same.However stochastic simulations give varying results after every run.</p>
<imgsrc="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5114/contributions-and-design-images/image-1.webp"alt="Example Biomodel on VCell pRMA_GFP Construct">