quote:"We were genuinely excited when Linköping University approached us for collaboration. From the very beginning, their ideas resonated with us, and our shared enthusiasm laid a strong foundation for a productive partnership. We're happy to work together, also with the other teams, and explore new possibilities.",
aimofcontact:[<p>The initial contact for our collaboration came from the iGEM team 2024 of Linköping, Sweden, who approached us with a proposal to create a <OurLinkpath="contribution"scrollToId="Our Collaborations2H"text="“Delivery-Based Handbook”"/>. Their goal was to reduce the steep learning curve associated with these technologies by sharing collective knowledge from multiple teams, including ours. We were excited to contribute and help future teams navigate these challenges more easily. The handbook would serve as a valuable tool. </p>],
insights:[<p>Throughout the collaboration, we gained significant insights, both scientific and collaborative. Initially, our meetings with the Linköping team and other participating teams - Patras, Radboud-University and TERMOSZ-Selye-HUN - were invaluable. These sessions allowed us to exchange ideas and learn how each team planned to use lipid-based delivery systems in their own projects. This mutual sharing of knowledge opened our eyes to new methodologies and potential applications of LNPs and liposomes. We also gained a deeper appreciation for the interdisciplinary nature of these systems. From the challenges of formulating stable particles to optimizing their efficiency in targeting cells, we realized the complexity of the field and how collaboration could help overcome many of these obstacles. By discussing our respective approaches, we were able to pool our expertise, which not only improved our understanding but also ensured that the handbook would be comprehensive and valuable for various iGEM teams, regardless of their specific project focus.
summary:[<p>As we move forward with our project, our intention is to continue our research and development at our university.
We believe that by building on our current findings, we can make significant contributions to the field.
Additionally, we are considering reaching out to Mattjis Bulcaen at KU Leuven for potential collaboration in the future, as their expertise could further enhance our work.</p>],