<p>pCMV-PE2 was co transfected with pDAS12489 and pCMV-PE_CO-Mini was co transfected with pDAS12489 in HEK293 cell line.</p>
<p>The Flow Cytometry results show that transfection with pCMV-PE2 as the prime editing complex had editing efficiency of 52.90% when normalized on pDAS12124-preedited. When pCMV-PE_CO-Mini was used as a prime editing complex it had a transfection efficiency of 2.54% (see Figure 11, 12).</p>
description="Microscopy of HEK 72h post transfection with lipofectamine 3000. Co-transfection of pDAS12489 with pCMV-PE2 or pDAS12489 with LV-PE_CO-Mini. Both show fluorescence signals."
description="Flow Cytometry analysis to compare prime editing complexes PE2 and PE_CO-Mini"
<p>We compared the 3 different Prime Editing complexes (pCMV-PE2, pCMV-PE2_CO-Mini & pCMV-PE6c) to check which one has the best transfection efficiency.</p>