<h3>Why and in which ways were we invested in MUKOmove? </h3>
<p>We did not stop at our participation itself – we wanted to make other people from our university and city
aware of the event and collect sport hours for cystic fibrosis with them by inviting them to join our team.
Our survey about cystic fibrosis awareness and our discussions with <aonClick={()=>goToPagesAndOpenTab('/human-practices?tab=InvWesthoff')}>Kathrin Westhoff</a>, the head of a
Our survey about cystic fibrosis awareness and our discussions with <aonClick={()=>goToPagesAndOpenTab('InvWesthoff','/human-practices?tab=')}>Kathrin Westhoff</a>, the head of a
practice for physiotherapy in Gütersloh who is also treating young CF patients, showed us how little known
this illness still is. Especially the interview with the physiotherapist made us realize how important
exercise is for everyone and how it brings a community together – we wanted to establish MUKOmove in