introduction:[<>Located on the surface of the entire body</>,<>Responsible for barrier function, immunological defense, regulation of homeostasis, sensory functions [25]</>,<>CF affects CFTR channels of sweat glands, which leads to salt deposits on the skin [26]</>,<>This can lead in context of CF to skin irritation (rash or dermatitis) [26]</>,<>Prevention via drinking a lot and a rather salty diet possible [27]</>]
introduction:[<></>,<>Responsible for smell perception, breathing, filtration and cleaning, and serving as a resonance chamber for the voice [28]</>,<>CF affects thickness of nasal secretions, which cannot drain well [26]</>,<>This can lead in context of CF to nasal congestion, pressure headaches, sinusitis, inflammation of nasal polyps [26]</>,<>Therapy ranges from nasal sprays to surgical removal of nasal polyps [26]</>]
introduction:[<>Responsible for smell perception, breathing, filtration and cleaning, and serving as a resonance chamber for the voice [28]</>,<>CF affects thickness of nasal secretions, which cannot drain well [26]</>,<>This can lead in context of CF to nasal congestion, pressure headaches, sinusitis, inflammation of nasal polyps [26]</>,<>Therapy ranges from nasal sprays to surgical removal of nasal polyps [26]</>]