<p>Through our project, the insights and feedback from various stakeholders and experts played a crucial role in shaping and refining our approach. We actively integrated their input into the design, execution, and public engagement aspects of our work, ensuring a human-centered, scientifically sound solution. Below, we highlight key contributors and how their feedback impacted the project's development across multiple phases. </p>
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ export function HPFeedback(){
<H4text="Our surveys on cystic fibrosis and gene therapy"></H4>
<p>From our outreach efforts, we learned that many people lack knowledge about cystic fibrosis and desire more education on the subject. The same applies to gene therapy, with most individuals expressing openness to treatment options, which reinforces our commitment to pursuing this approach. </p>
<p>However, we recognize the importance of handling the public's trust and lack of knowledge responsibly. We aim to educate the community about safety and ethical considerations surrounding gene therapy. </p>
<p>In response, we have decided to implement feedback by creating informative materials such as flyers and utilizing platforms like Muko Move [Link] [PO_MUKOmove.docx], Teuto ruft [Link] [HP_TeutoRuft.docx], SchülerInnenakademie [Link] [PO_Schülerakademie.docx], and social media [Link] [https://www.instagram.com/igem.bielefeld/?hl=de] to raise awareness and provide education. </p>
<p>In response, we have decided to implement feedback by creating informative materials such as flyers and utilizing platforms like <aonClick={()=>goToPageWithTabAndScroll({tabId:'mukomove',scrollToId:"cf-month",path:'/human-practices'})}>mukoMOVE</a>, <aonClick={()=>goToPageWithTabAndScroll({tabId:'teutoruft',scrollToId:"teuroruft-heading",path:'/human-practices'})}>”Teuto ruft!”</a>, <aonClick={()=>goToPageWithTabAndScroll({tabId:'akademie',scrollToId:"student-academy-heading",path:'/human-practices'})}>SchülerInnenakademie</a>, and <ahref='https://www.instagram.com/igem.bielefeld/?hl=de'>social media</a> to raise awareness and provide education. </p>