@article{Bulcaen_Kortleven_Liu_Maule_Dreano_Kelly_Ensinck_Thierie_Smits_Ciciani_et,title={Prime editing functionally corrects cystic fibrosis-causing CFTR mutations in human organoids and airway epithelial cells},ISSN={2666-3791},DOI={10.1016/j.xcrm.2024.101544},abstractNote={Prime editing is a recent, CRISPR-derived genome editing technology capable of introducing precise nucleotide substitutions, insertions, and deletions. Here, we present prime editing approaches to correct L227R- and N1303K-CFTR, two mutations that cause cystic fibrosis and are not eligible for current market-approved modulator therapies. We show that, upon DNA correction of the CFTR gene, the complex glycosylation, localization, and, most importantly, function of the CFTR protein are restored in HEK293T and 16HBE cell lines. These findings were subsequently validated in patient-derived rectal organoids and human nasal epithelial cells. Through analysis of predicted and experimentally identified candidate off-target sites in primary stem cells, we confirm previous reports on the high prime editor (PE) specificity and its potential for a curative CF gene editing therapy. To facilitate future screening of genetic strategies in a translational CF model, a machine learning algorithm was developed for dynamic quantification of CFTR function in organoids (DETECTOR: “detection of targeted editing of CFTR in organoids”).},journal={Cell Reports Medicine},author={Bulcaen, Mattijs and Kortleven, Phéline and Liu, Ronald B. and Maule, Giulia and Dreano, Elise and Kelly, Mairead and Ensinck, Marjolein M. and Thierie, Sam and Smits, Maxime and Ciciani, Matteo and Hatton, Aurelie and Chevalier, Benoit and Ramalho, Anabela S. and Casadevall i Solvas, Xavier and Debyser, Zeger and Vermeulen, François and Gijsbers, Rik and Sermet-Gaudelus, Isabelle and Cereseto, Anna and Carlon, Marianne S.},year={2024},month=may,pages={101544}}
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author={Bulcaen, Mattijs and Kortleven, Phéline and Liu, Ronald and Maule, Giulia and Dreano, Elise and Aubert, Mairead and Ensinck, Marjolein and Thierie, Sam and Smits, Maxime and Ciciani, Matteo and Hatton, Aurélie and Chevalier, Benoit and Ramalho, Anabela and Casadevall i Solvas, Xavier and Debyser, Zeger and Vermeulen, François and Gijsbers, Rik and Sermet-Gaudelus, Isabelle and Cereseto, Anna and Carlon, Marianne},
title={Prime editing functionally corrects cystic fibrosis-causing CFTR mutations in human organoids and airway epithelial cells},