<p>In addition to the introduction of the three-base-pair deletion, the intron sequence was further altered with the objective of enhancing the comparability of the system to the CFTR genomic context. Specifically, 27 base pairs were replaced downstream of the splice site with a sequence derived from the CFTR gene in the region of the F508del mutation. This modification guarantees that the gRNA spacer employed in our system is identical to the one found in the actual genomic context of the CFTR mutation. </p>
<p>The only notable differences between the system and the genomic sequence are observed in the RTT (Reverse Transcript Template) and PBS (Primer Binding Site), which have been calibrated with silent mutations to maintain comparability in GC content with the native CFTR gene. These silent mutations do not affect the encoded protein but optimise the system's mimicry of the CFTR gene. </p>
alt1="Illustration of our constructed reporter system"
description="Illustration of our constructed reporter system"
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ export function Parts() {
<p>Subsequently, the pDAS12124_PEAR-GFP_GGTdel_edited plasmid is transformed into E. coli DH5α cells for propagation. To confirm the successful integration of the reporter fragment, colony PCR (cPCR) is performed on the transformed colonies. The positive colonies, identified by cPCR, are selected and grown in LBCm50 medium for further analysis. </p>
<p>The final validation step involves preparing the pDAS12124_PEAR-GFP_GGTdel_edited plasmid from the positive colonies and verifying the correct insertion of the reporter fragment using Sanger sequencing. This ensures the fragment is inserted in the correct orientation and that the CF-specific reporter system has been successfully constructed without any errors. </p>