<p>Cryo-EM (cryogenic electron microscopy) as a form of transmission electron cryomicroscopy was performed using a JEOL JEM-2200FS electron microscope (JEOL, Freising, Germany) operating at 200kV, equipped with a cold field emission electron gun. The sample preparation and imaging were carried out at cryogenic temperatures, which allowed for the visualization of LNPs in their native hydrated state.</p>
<p>Cryo-EM (cryogenic electron microscopy) as a form of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was performed using a JEOL JEM-2200FS electron microscope (JEOL, Freising, Germany) operating at 200kV, equipped with a cold field emission electron gun. The sample preparation and imaging were carried out at cryogenic temperatures, which allowed for the visualization of LNPs in their native hydrated state.</p>