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@@ -269,6 +269,74 @@ $("#sam_perez-tasks").click(function () {
// End Sam Perez
/// Zenos Thoreson
$("#zenos_thoreson").click(function () {
"Zenos Thoreson - Bio",
"Zenos is a Biotechnology undergrad at Utah Valley University. His interest is in engineering biology to create medical and industrial materials like how we engineered bacteria to produce insulin instead of harvesting it from animal pancreases. He has a biotech focus but is interested in other things too."
$("#zenos_thoreson-tasks").click(function () {
"Zenos Thoreson - Tasks",
"<ol>" +
"<li>Background Research - read and analyzed papers on nitrogen pathways in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.</li>" +
"<li>Investigation - assisted in experiments with nitrogen remediation pathway.</li>" +
"<li>Notebook/record keeping - has kept records of the nitrogen remediation pathway experiments.</li>" +
"<li>Public Engagement - using social media to engage further audiences.</li>" +
"<li>Wiki Coding - assisting with setting up the wiki and writing code.</li>" +
// End Zenos Thoreson
/// Colleen Hough
$("#colleen_hough").click(function () {
"Colleen Hough - Bio",
"My name is Colleen Hough, I'm originally from Los Angeles and earned my BS in Biology from UC Irvine. I then went to Washington State to work as a lab technician and ultimately received a MS in Microbiology studying tetracycline resistance mechanisms. I went back to UC Irvine and earned a PhD in Developmental and Cell Biology working on a Drosophila tumor suppressor and its role in junction formation and function. I took a postdoctoral position at the National Institute on Aging identifying genes upregulated in epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) and obtaining a patent on EOC markers that was licensed to a company in California. I moved to Utah to work as a Criminalist in the state crime lab, worked in a biotech startup company, took a research faculty position at the Huntsman Cancer Institute, until finally settling on a professor position at Utah Valley University where I am currently the Biotechnology Program Director. When I am not working on iGEM projects, I serve on the DEI and RTP committees and I'm a Faculty Senator."
$("#colleen_hough-tasks").click(function () {
"Colleen Hough - Tasks",
"<ol>" +
"<li>Project Administration - assisted in coordinating laboratory work, organizing teams and projects, providing instructions.</li>" +
"<li>Fundraising - liaison to school administration and fundraising efforts.</li>" +
"<li>Safety - ensured our practices and experiments adhered to safety standards.</li>" +
"<li>Conceptualization - Directed the brainstorming for our project.</li>" +
"<li> Background Research - read and analyzed papers on the growth of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and it's pathways for nitrogen and phosphorous utilization.</li>" +
// End Colleen Hough
/// Eric Domyan
$("#eric_domyan").click(function () {
"Eric Domyan - Bio",
"Dr Eric Domyan, Associate Professor of Biology. Has been at UVU since 2015. Interests include evolutionary genetics and genetic engineering."
$("#eric_domyan-tasks").click(function () {
"Eric Domyan - Tasks",
"<ol>" +
"<li>Analysis - analyzed our data received and the disseminated the significance of the data.</li>" +
"<li>Conceptualization - Directed the brainstorming for our project.</li>" +
"<li>Background Research - read and analyzed papers on the growth of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and it's pathways for nitrogen and phosphorous utilization.</li>" +
"<li>Project Administration - Managed schedules for meeting times, set up timeframes for experiments, and assisted in the execution of our plans.</li>" +
"<li>Software - tested various computer programs to see if they would assist us such.</li>" +
// End Eric Domyan