<p>√ <ahref="#"style="color:#5271FF">Deliverables</a>: We complete the following Competition Deliverables according to guidelines: Wiki, Project Promotion Video, Presentation Video and Judging Form.</p>
<p>√ <ahref="{{ url_for('pages', page='attributions') }}"style="color:#5271FF">Attributions</a>: We describe what work our team members did and what other people did for our project using the standardized form.</p>
<p>√ <ahref="{{ url_for('pages', page='description') }}"style="color:#5271FF">Description</a>: We described how and why we chose our iGEM project – Pymaker: AI modified yeast promoter.</p>
<p>√<ahref="{{ url_for('pages', page='contribution') }}"style="color:#5271FF">Contribution</a>: We make a useful contribution for future iGEM teams by adding new documentations to Part: BBa_K4815000 – BBa_K4815020.</p>
<p>√<ahref="{{ url_for('pages', page='contribution') }}"style="color:#5271FF">Contribution</a>: We make a useful contribution for future iGEM teams by adding new documentations to Part: BBa_K4815000 – BBa_K4815020.</p>
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<p>√ <ahref="{{ url_for('pages', page='attributions') }}"style="color:#5271FF">New Basic Part</a>: We generate highly expressed sequences and Mutation-resistant highly expressed sequences. For New Basic Part, we submitted Part: BBa_K4815000.</p>
<p>√ <ahref="{{ url_for('pages', page='description') }}"style="color:#5271FF">Model</a>: We developed two models: an AI model aiming to predict expression intensity based on core promoter sequences, and a base mutation model simulating the occurrence of base mutations in core promoters during continuous cultivation and predicting the resulting promoter sequences after mutation.</p>
<p>√<ahref="{{ url_for('pages', page='contribution') }}"style="color:#5271FF">Integrated Human Practice</a>: We address how our project responds to the considerations of whether our project is responsible and good for the world, and how our proposed solution is implemented responsibly and reflectively.</p>
<p>√<ahref="{{ url_for('pages', page='contribution') }}"style="color:#5271FF">Integrated Human Practice</a>: We address how our project responds to the considerations of whether our project is responsible and good for the world, and how our proposed solution is implemented responsibly and reflectively.</p>