The utilization of lectures as a method of science popularization can
effectively engage and resonate with individuals, particularly college
students, enabling them to comprehend our projects and gain a swift
and efficient understanding of synthetic biology.
In July, NJU China and the Red Cross Society of Nanjing University
jointly held the "Caring for Youth - Life and Health Education on
Campus" event, introducing students to the popular science knowledge
of synthetic biology related to the epidemic and vaccines, and
introducing the content of NJU China's project. Especially since most
of these students are majoring in biology or chemistry, we have
provided them with a detailed introduction to the IGEM competition,
hoping that they can also participate in the promotion of synthetic
biology. The lecture received a warm response from the students. Many
students have raised questions related to synthetic biology with our
team members and expressed their willingness to participate in iGEM.
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<divclass="frame-title xioabiaoti"style="text-align:center;"title="click to see detail">Target group</div>
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<p>Nanjing University freshmen</p>
<divclass="frame-title xioabiaoti"style="text-align:center;"title="click to see detail">Why</div>
<divclass="frame-content collapsed"title="double click to close">
<p>The utilization of lectures as a method of science popularization can effectively engage and resonate with individuals, particularly college students, enabling them to comprehend our projects and gain a swift and efficient understanding of synthetic biology.</p>
<divclass="frame-title xioabiaoti"style="text-align:center;"title="click to see detail">Process</div>
<divclass="frame-content collapsed"title="double click to close">
<p>In July, NJU China and the Red Cross Society of Nanjing University jointly held the "Caring for Youth - Life and Health Education on Campus" event, introducing students to the popular science knowledge of synthetic biology related to the epidemic and vaccines, and introducing the content of NJU China's project. Especially since most of these students are majoring in biology or chemistry, we have provided them with a detailed introduction to the IGEM competition, hoping that they can also participate in the promotion of synthetic biology. The lecture received a warm response from the students. Many students have raised questions related to synthetic biology with our team members and expressed their willingness to participate in iGEM.</p>
During our interactions with freshmen, we recognized the importance of
generating daring ideas and embracing the perspectives of various
stakeholders. The iGEM competition serves as a prominent platform that
fosters innovation and integration, enabling the realization of
numerous ideas that are beyond the scope of any single discipline.
Initially, we wholeheartedly dedicated ourselves to exploring
cutting-edge research achievements within the academic community,
inadvertently neglecting our own circumstances. However, through the
exchange, we have learned to shift our focus towards our immediate
surroundings and strive to create a model that is well-suited for
practical problem in synthetic biology.
<divclass="frame-title xioabiaoti"style="text-align:center;"title="click to see detail">Learn</div>
<divclass="frame-content collapsed"title="double click to close">
<p>During our interactions with freshmen, we recognized the importance of generating daring ideas and embracing the perspectives of various stakeholders. The iGEM competition serves as a prominent platform that fosters innovation and integration, enabling the realization of numerous ideas that are beyond the scope of any single discipline. Initially, we wholeheartedly dedicated ourselves to exploring cutting-edge research achievements within the academic community, inadvertently neglecting our own circumstances. However, through the exchange, we have learned to shift our focus towards our immediate surroundings and strive to create a model that is well-suited for practical problem in synthetic biology.</p>
<p><p>PS: click to expand, double-click to collapse</p></p>
<divclass="row frame-wrapper wenbenkuang">
<divclass="frame-title xioabiaoti"style="text-align:center;"title="click to see detail">Target group</div>
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<p>the general public</p>
Offline activities often have limitations in terms of participant
numbers and groups, whereas the Internet has increasingly become a
crucial avenue for individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and
locations to access information. Recognizing this, we utilize a
WeChat official account to disseminate popular science articles and
interview transcripts. This approach enables us to reach a wider
range of individuals, transcending geographical boundaries and
engaging diverse individuals from various walks of life.
We created the team's public account "Pymaker" topopularize AI and
synthetic biology knowledge among the public, wherescience promoting
articles, interviews, and records of our education activitieswere
published. We have published tweets theme on mucosal vaccines, LTB
expressed in yeast, deep learning in synthetic biology and transfer
Learning. Our public account currently has over 110 followers, with
over 2,400 readings. In the future, we will continue to publish
relevant popular science articles, bringing cutting-edge and
life-related AI and synthetic biology knowledge to the public.
To ensure the dissemination of the most advanced and valuable
knowledge to the public, we have conducted extensive research,
delving into numerous literature and reports. Through this process,
we meticulously curated the essential contents, acquiring profound
insights into the respective fields and drawing inspiration for our
project design. Furthermore, as we share this knowledge with the
public, we deepen our own understanding of these concepts, affirming
that education is indeed a reciprocal learning process.
<divclass="frame-title xioabiaoti"style="text-align:center;"title="click to see detail">Why</div>
<divclass="frame-content collapsed"title="double click to close">
<p>Offline activities often have limitations in terms of participant numbers and groups, whereas the Internet has increasingly become a crucial avenue for individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and locations to access information. Recognizing this, we utilize a WeChat official account to disseminate popular science articles and interview transcripts. This approach enables us to reach a wider range of individuals, transcending geographical boundaries and engaging diverse individuals from various walks of life.</p>
<divclass="frame-title xioabiaoti"style="text-align:center;"title="click to see detail">Process</div>
<divclass="frame-content collapsed"title="double click to close">
<p>We created the team's public account "Pymaker" topopularize AI and synthetic biology knowledge among the public, wherescience promoting articles, interviews, and records of our education activitieswere published. We have published tweets theme on mucosal vaccines, LTB expressed in yeast, deep learning in synthetic biology and transfer Learning. Our public account currently has over 110 followers, with over 2,400 readings. In the future, we will continue to publish relevant popular science articles, bringing cutting-edge and life-related AI and synthetic biology knowledge to the public.</p>
<divclass="frame-title xioabiaoti"style="text-align:center;"title="click to see detail">Learn</div>
<divclass="frame-content collapsed"title="double click to close">
<p>To ensure the dissemination of the most advanced and valuable knowledge to the public, we have conducted extensive research, delving into numerous literature and reports. Through this process, we meticulously curated the essential contents, acquiring profound insights into the respective fields and drawing inspiration for our project design. Furthermore, as we share this knowledge with the public, we deepen our own understanding of these concepts, affirming that education is indeed a reciprocal learning process.</p>