<pstyle = "padding-left: 5%; padding-right: 10%">Verification of the LwCas13a enzyme functionality was made through a fluorescence detection assay, performed on a Cytation plate reader. Gel electrophoresis was deemed unsuitable, according to the low cutting efficiency, as the band cleavage would not have been observable on a gel. The results of the fluorescence detection are presented in the <ahref="https://2023.igem.wiki/montpellier/results"target="_blank">Results section</a>.</p>
<p><b><u>Further informations are available in the:</u></b>
<li><ahref="https://2023.igem.wiki/montpellier/engineering"target="_blank">Engineering</a> section for the designing of the sequences and experiments</li>
<li><ahref="https://2023.igem.wiki/montpellier/experiments"target="_blank">Experiments</a> section for the protocols and details about the experiments</li>
<li><ahref="https://2023.igem.wiki/montpellier/notebook"target="_blank">Notebook</a> section for the access to the lab notebook</li>
<li><ahref="https://2023.igem.wiki/montpellier/results"target="_blank">Results</a> section for the results and discussion</li>
<li><ahref="https://2023.igem.wiki/montpellier/perspective"target="_blank">Perspective</a> section for information about what can be done in future experiments and how the project can be applied outside of the lab</li></p>
<listyle="margin-left:10%"><ahref="https://2023.igem.wiki/montpellier/engineering"target="_blank">Engineering</a> section for the designing of the sequences and experiments</li>
<listyle="margin-left:10%"><ahref="https://2023.igem.wiki/montpellier/experiments"target="_blank">Experiments</a> section for the protocols and details about the experiments</li>
<listyle="margin-left:10%"><ahref="https://2023.igem.wiki/montpellier/notebook"target="_blank">Notebook</a> section for the access to the lab notebook</li>
<listyle="margin-left:10%"><ahref="https://2023.igem.wiki/montpellier/results"target="_blank">Results</a> section for the results and discussion</li>
<listyle="margin-left:10%"><ahref="https://2023.igem.wiki/montpellier/perspective"target="_blank">Perspective</a> section for information about what can be done in future experiments and how the project can be applied outside of the lab</li></p>
<p><li>The results of these experiments serve as evidence of proof of concept of our project. This foundational work can lead to further investigations, including applications in mosquito and diseases control.</li></p>
<p><li> During this project, many results were achieved, including making chemically competent cells, transforming a plasmid in the so-said cells, making de novo sequences through primer amplification, with sequences that are able to proceed a transcription step and even work with enzymes to make fluorescent detections. More details can be found below, including the steps, the results and the discussion of everything that was completed.</li>
<listyle="margin-left:10%">The results of these experiments serve as evidence of proof of concept of our project. This foundational work can lead to further investigations, including applications in mosquito and diseases control.</li>
<listyle="margin-left:10%"> During this project, many results were achieved, including making chemically competent cells, transforming a plasmid in the so-said cells, making de novo sequences through primer amplification, with sequences that are able to proceed a transcription step and even work with enzymes to make fluorescent detections. More details can be found below, including the steps, the results and the discussion of everything that was completed.</li>