<h5class="card-title"style="text-align:center"><strong>Evolution of France colonisation by <i>Aedes albopictus</i> from 2013-2022</strong></h5>
<pclass="card-text"style="text-align:center"> This is why we created AEDES'n'SEEK : to enable viruses detection in mosquitoes, and prevent pandemic. We based our project on SHERLOCK technique and Cas13 enzyme, to target specific RNA. We also developped a code to craft guide RNA that are necesssary for the detection system (see <ahref="https://2023.igem.wiki/montpellier/proof%20of%20concept">Proof of concept</a>)
<p> Our project enable viruses detection in mosquitoes, whith a final aim of preventing pandemic. We based our project on SHERLOCK technique and Cas13 enzyme, to detect specific RNA. We also developped a code to craft guide RNA that are necesssary for the detection system (see <ahref="https://2023.igem.wiki/montpellier/proof%20of%20concept">Proof of concept</a>)</p>
<h4> Reference</h4>
<h4> Reference</h4>
<p>All images are copyright free and from Pixabay</p>
<p>The svg file of the france map was copyright free, and the information for the colonisation of France can be found <ahref="https://sante.gouv.fr/sante-et-environnement/risques-microbiologiques-physiques-et-chimiques/especes-nuisibles-et-parasites/article cartes-de-presence-du-moustique-tigre-aedes-albopictus-en-france-metropolitaine">here</a></p>
<p>All images are copyright free and from Pixabay</p>
<p>The svg file of the france map was copyright free, and the information for the colonisation of France can be found <ahref="https://sante.gouv.fr/sante-et-environnement/risques-microbiologiques-physiques-et-chimiques/especes-nuisibles-et-parasites/article cartes-de-presence-du-moustique-tigre-aedes-albopictus-en-france-metropolitaine">here</a></p>