<p>On September 4th, KCIS and Korea_HS had their first collaboration meeting. We began by explicitly introducing the main idea of our project, data storage by DNA. KCIS iGEM suggested that we read the article Could all your digital photos be stored as DNA? by Anne Trafton. This article described a pre-existing model of DNA storage and encouraged us to explore Korea_HS’s experimental purpose and future applications by taking inspiration from the suggested article. We were able to implement this information in our SDG projects and in our future projects. Korea_HS's previous main goal for this project was to make better and more efficient DNA Storage by DNA, but after reading the article, the main goal shifted to connect with Global Health Problem: such as massive greenhouse gas being produced when hard drives and SSDs are being used. In addition, KCIS iGEM presented their human practices projects, which centered around obesity awareness and methods to help reduce the ongoing obesity epidemic. Some of their project ideas included physical public appearances through conversing with randomly chosen people on the street. This inspired Korea_HS to complete their sticker poll activity in Apgujeong.<br/>
<p>On September 4th, KCIS and Korea_HS had their first collaboration meeting. We began by explicitly introducing the main idea of our project, data storage by DNA. KCIS iGEM suggested that we read the article <ahref="https://news.mit.edu/2021/dna-data-storage-0610"target="_blank"style="color:blue;text-decoration:underline;">Could all your digital photos be stored as DNA?</a> by Anne Trafton. This article described a pre-existing model of DNA storage and encouraged us to explore Korea_HS’s experimental purpose and future applications by taking inspiration from the suggested article. We were able to implement this information in our SDG projects and in our future projects. Korea_HS's previous main goal for this project was to make better and more efficient DNA Storage by DNA, but after reading the article, the main goal shifted to connect with Global Health Problem: such as massive greenhouse gas being produced when hard drives and SSDs are being used. In addition, KCIS iGEM presented their human practices projects, which centered around obesity awareness and methods to help reduce the ongoing obesity epidemic. Some of their project ideas included physical public appearances through conversing with randomly chosen people on the street. This inspired Korea_HS to complete their sticker poll activity in Apgujeong.<br/>
Overall, meeting with KCIS iGEM helped our team develop our project’s information more efficiently than before and inspired Korea_HS to pursue human practices in a new approach.</p>