@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ Figure 12. Mr. Yang speaking on the forum</p>
<li>We are certainly qualified and have to raise a high bar for Fudan students and not be perfunctory in everything we do. “I’m not sure what I can change, but I’m loyal to my beliefs.” We do volunteer work as a responsibility to ourselves, to others, and to a larger population in the future.</li>
<p>We have reasons to believe that with the continuous thinking and practice of college students’ public welfare, the attention and support of professional public welfare workers, and the communication and mutual assistance of different public welfare organizations, <strong>college students’ public welfare and children’s education will go further and further, linking up more social groups and forming a virtuous cycle of social welfare, so that endless distant places and countless people will be related to us</strong>.</p>
<spanstyle="font-size:0.8rem;color:grey"><p><strong>Figure 1. The kinematic simulation of phase separation (animation).</strong> Each black dot in the figure represents an enzyme particle, while the rectangle stands for the cytoplasm in the bacteria.</p></span>
<spanstyle="font-size:0.8rem;color:grey"><p><strong>Figure 2. The kinematic simulation of phase separation.</strong><strong>a</strong>, the figure is captured at the beginning of phase separation (t=0). <strong>b</strong>,the figure is captured at the end. Each black dot in the figure represents an enzyme particle, while the rectangle stands for the cytoplasm in the bacteria.</p></span>
<p>It is illustrated in the Figure1 and Figure2 that the phase separation can be simulated by solving the Cahn-Hilliard equation. The black part of the image represents the enzyme molecules that gradually cluster over time.</p>
<p>It is illustrated in the Figure1 and Figure2 that the phase separation can be simulated by solving the Cahn-Hilliard equation. The black part of the image represents the enzyme molecules that gradually cluster over time.</p>
<spanstyle="font-size:0.8rem;color:grey"><p><strong>Figure 3. Concentration changes in small areas.</strong> The x-axis represents the enzyme concentration in the divided small region, while the y-axis represents the percentage of small regions at that concentration. The different colors of the curves refer to different time points.</p></span>
<p>We divided the whole reaction area into ten by ten small areas and calculated the percentage of black in each small area. As shown in the graph, more small areas acquired high enzyme concentrations as time passed. In the beginning stage (blue curve), the percentage of black was around 50% in most regions.</p>