<h2id="contribution-to-the-team">Contribution to the iGEM community</h2>
<h2id="contribution-to-the-igem-community">Contribution to the iGEM community</h2>
<p>Since PartHub contains information on almost all of the Registry of Standard Biological Parts from 2004 onwards, PartHub can be useful for teams with multiple tracks. In the Design-Build-Test-Learn(DBTL) biological engineering pipeline, PartHub can provide support for all iGEMers in every phase.</p>
<p>During the designing, PartHub can help designers find and focus on sequences, engineering approaches, workflows, componentry, and organisms of interest. In the build phase, PartHub can help you build a combinatorial assembly of DNA-encoded componentry using the previous biobricks of iGEM. You can get some useful protocols in the test phase through PartHub. When organizing and examining data and experiences from the DBT phase to learn, the relationships between the parts that PartHub provides you with can provide you with direction to enlighten the next step of improvement.</p>
<p>The first users of PartHub were Team Fudan's teammates responsible for the part. They replaced the search engine in the Registry of Standard Biological Parts with PartHub this year, which significantly improved the efficiency of their part search. In addition, we introduced PartHub to the community in slack's iGEM 2022 Global and received positive feedback:</p>