- syncrhonise from
- create endpoint for manual setting finalists and winners (not coming from
- use feature flag to decide what to show:
- special awards
- track awards
- medals
- finalists
- winners
- if the feature flag is not active, the corresponding object will be
in the output DTO
Endpoint: GET /jamboree/results/:year
, fetch all available results
special: [
title: 'Best Something Award',
winners: [
section: 'overgrad' | 'undergrad' | 'underover'
team: {<TEAM>}
nominees: [
section: 'overgrad' | 'undergrad' | 'underover'
team: {<TEAM>}
tracks: [<AWARD_DTO>]
medals: [<AWARD_DTO>]
finalists: [
winners: [
title: 'Grand Prize Winners' | '1st runner up' | '2nd runner up'
team: {<TEAM>}
Endpoint: POST /jamboree/results/:year
, manually create award
finalists?: teamIDs[],
grandPrize: teamIDs[],
1stRunnerUp: teamIDs[],
2ndRunnerUp: teamIDs[]