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2- Vishwaa Kannan authored
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− 181
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<li>FAB-GFP Conjugate construct: Using the FAB-GFP conjugate molecule created by Dr. Bryan Berger, initially meant to react to fatty acids, we designed a system that would theoretically detect PFAS binding, initiating GFP fluorescence. We hypothesized that PFAS would bind similarly to fatty acids due to receptor similarities.
<li>Synthetic Transcription Factor construct: Based on work done by Dr. Dossani in yeast, we designed a system of two plasmids: one containing a synthetic transcription factor that would respond to estradiol and another containing a hybrid promoter linked to GFP. Since there was already some research indicating that PFAS could interact with estradiol receptors, we wanted to see whether this system would function in e. coli as a method of PFAS detection.
<li>pRMA Promoter construct: The pRMA promoter construct was transformed into e. coli and plated on ampicillin-selective agar plates. After heat shock transformation, successful colonies were identified via colony screening, followed by plasmid extraction using a miniprep. Nanodrop analysis indicated DNA concentrations ranging from 200-300 ng/µL, confirming successful plasmid isolation for further testing in PFAS detection experiments.
<li>FAB-GFP Conjugate construct: The FAB-GFP conjugate plasmid was transformed into e. coli and plated on kanamycin-selective agar. White colonies were selected through blue-white screening, indicating successful transformation. Plasmid DNA was extracted using miniprep, with concentrations ranging from 170-350 ng/µL. A restriction digest using Eco31i enzyme confirmed the integrity of the construct, preparing it for PFAS-binding efficacy tests.
<li>Synthetic Transcription Factor construct 1 (Kanamycin): The synthetic transcription factor (STF) construct was transformed into e. coli and screened via blue-white colony screening. White colonies resistant to both antibiotics were selected, and plasmid DNA concentrations ranged from 160-250 ng/µL after miniprep. A restriction digest confirmed the proper assembly of the STF construct, facilitating its use in estradiol receptor interaction experiments for PFAS detection.
<li>Synthetic Transcription Factor construct 2 (Ampicillin): The STF construct with ampicillin resistance was transformed into e. coli. Following colony screening, white colonies were cultured, and plasmid DNA was extracted using miniprep. Nanodrop analysis confirmed DNA concentrations, and a restriction digest verified the structural integrity of the construct, readying it for testing in PFAS detection through synthetic transcription factor mechanisms.
<li>pRMA Promoter construct:After successfully transforming the e. coli with the pRMA promoter construct, we tested its ability to induce GFP expression in response to PFAS exposure. A 96-well plate was prepared with E. coli cultures containing the pRMA promoter construct and exposed to varying concentrations of PFOA. Fluorescence readings were taken every 90 minutes using a plate reader over a 12-hour period.
<li>Synthetic Transcription Factor construct 1 (Kanamycin): The synthetic transcription factor (STF) construct with kanamycin resistance was tested for its response to estradiol receptor activation in the presence of PFAS. Cultures of e. coli containing the STF construct were grown in 96-well plates and exposed to various concentrations of PFOA (0 to 1000 ppm). Fluorescence measurements were recorded every 90 minutes using a plate reader.
<li>Synthetic Transcription Factor construct 2 (Ampicillin): The synthetic transcription factor (STF) construct with ampicillin resistance was tested for its response to estradiol receptor activation in the presence of PFAS. Cultures of e. coli containing the STF construct were grown in 96-well plates and exposed to various concentrations of PFOA (0 to 1000 ppm). Fluorescence measurements were recorded every 90 minutes using a plate reader.
<p>A Virtual Cell (VCell) is a useful tool to simulate the reactions of complex reaction pathways to compute the predicted concentrations of each species at any given point in time. It is capable of deterministically simulating reactions with differential equations and mass-action kinetics or stochastically by probabilistically simulating individual chemical reactions based on collisions. Our aim with Vcell this year was to computationally predict which gene construct would be the most effective in producing GFP in the presence of PFAS. We only simulated a single cell for time and simplicity, however, future works could expand on our work by simulating multiple cells and testing new pathways for PFAS detection.</p>
<p>In Cycle 1, we first had to build the structure for the future cycles. First, we had to research the constructs we had to design to find out how to start constructing them. We decided to first look at the pRMA_GFP construct and end with the pLex_GFP construct. We first started with the design of the constructs. Each construct had the same geometry.</p>
<p>Most rate constants were estimated and few were taken from the literature review. This is a problem we would like to address in future studies, ase construct would produce more SF_GFP. There is a direct relationship between PFAS concentrations and SF_GFP production. This construct helped us prepare for future models as they followed a similar structure. However, since most of the rates were estimated, we can not say for certain how accurate this model is. In future studies, we will look for more rate constants to have a higher accuracy in the output of this model.</p>
<p>We designed the reaction network building off last year reaction network PFAS Detector V2. We changed the reaction diagram so that when the pRMA_operon and the PFAS bonded and produced the complex the complex would produce the GFP. However, the GFP we used in our reaction diagram was a variant of GFP called SF_GFP(Super-folder GFP). Some reactions were taken from literature or pulled from the PFAS DetectorV2 Biomodel but others were estimated. This construct was the first one of the 4 constructs we diagramed and simulated on Vcell and this construct came as a learning guide for the creation of the future constructs.</p>
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<p>We can see from the data that having more micromolars of PFAS into the system the construct would produce more SF_GFP. There is a direct relationship between PFAS concentrations and SF_GFP production. This construct helped us prepare for future models as they followed a similar structure. However, since most of the rates were estimated, we can not say for certain how accurate this model is. In future studies, we will look for more rate constants to have a higher accuracy in the output of this model.</p>
<p>We designed the reaction network building on a paper we found on this topic. The FAB_GFP gene would be constantly produced by the pConst promoter and would bind with the PFAS to produce the complex. Similar to the construct before most rate constants were estimated however the binding affinity between the PFAS and the FAB_GFP protein was calculated and other rate constants were pulled from literature studies. This was the 2nd of the 4 constructs we had and it provided a base design for future constructs that we designed.</p>
<p>The results for the PFAS_FAB_GFP were different than the pRMA_GFP construct but the style of the simulations was the same. All the same, constants were used (1000 seconds and the same solver). There were different rate constants overall showing differences in numbers but both of them provided convincing results.</p>
<p>The graph was also made using Google Sheets. The data was imported from Vcell as an HDF5 file and then put onto Google Sheets, where the graph was made. The graph used several ranges allowing for us to have several lines. The legend on the side helps improve the comprehensiveness of the graph and readability. Additionally with variety of colors can increase the readability of the graph as lines are now distinguished from one another.</p>
<p>We can see a direct relationship between the amount of micromolars of PFAS and the amount of PFAS_FAB_GFP being produced. The higher the micromolar count the higher count of PFAS_FAB_GFP. This is similar to the pRMA_GFP graph which shows a common relationship . This model helped become a model for future constructs and helped provide rate constants for future graphs.</p>
<p>This construct had a similar design to the FAB_GFP construct however the main difference is that when PFAS and the Synt Transcription Factor were binded they produced GFP. This model was where the FAB_GFP model helped a lot. Rate constants were estimated and similar to those of the FAB_GFP model but the binding affinity of PFAS and Synt_Tran factor was calculated. This was the 3rd of the 4 constructs with the last being pLex_GFP</p>
<p>We can see like all other graphs that this one had a direct relationship. The more PFAS in the system the more GFP was produced. There was no promoter leak so PFAS 0uM stayed at 0uM which makes logical sense. A future study on this construct would be to see if making it a dual construct (constructs 3 & 4) would optimize the detection of PFAS.</p>
<p>We designed the reaction network building off of last year’s reaction network PFAS Detector V2 similar to the pRMA_GFP construct. We simply replaced the pRMA_operon with the pLex_operon and changed the GFP variant. In this construct, unlike the 1st construct, the GFP variant will simply be GFP, unlike the SF_GFP variant used in the pRMA_GFP construct. Also like the pRMA_operon the pLex_operon has a leak which we estimated using scientific studies.The pLex_operon would bind with the PFAS to create the complex which would then produce the GFP_mRNA.</p>
<p>With this last construct, we can analyze all the graphs and come to a conclusion on which pathway was the most successful in detecting PFAS. However, additionally, cycles may be necessary as the rate constants were heavily estimated and few were based on scientific research. However, looking at the graph we can see that the 0.01uM graph produced the least while the 50 uM produced the most showing a direct relationship between the uM of PFAS and the GFP count. Additionally, due to a promoter leak, the 0uM produced more than the 0.1uM and 0.01uM. This was also the only graph that produced a true stochastic curve, while the others produced exponential graphs.</p>
<p>Further research shows that a combination of constructs 3 & 4 enhances the production of GFP in the presence of PFAS. Due to an error in the creation of constructs 3 and 4 which were supposed to work together to produce the GFP we had to recreate construct 3 which is a combination of the 2 constructs. When PFAS is introduced into the system and binds with the Synthetic Transcription factor it allows it to bind to the pLex promoter which induces transcription. Using this information a new model was developed using previous rate constants from the models and new simulations were run.
<p>Going through the rate constant, where PFOA binds to the synthetic transcription factor, it directly correlates with the amount of GFP produced. Multiplying the rate constant by ½ would result in a 50% decrease in GFP production, etc. GFP was produced at similar amounts based on each volume of PFAS.</p>
<p>Further research shows that a combination of constructs 3 & 4 enhances the production of GFP in the presence of PFAS. Due to an error in the creation of constructs 3 and 4 which were supposed to work together to produce the GFP we had to recreate construct 3 which is a combination of the 2 constructs. When PFAS is introduced into the system and binds with the Synthetic Transcription factor it allows it to bind to the pLex promoter which induces transcription. Using this information a new model was developed using previous rate constants from the models and new simulations were run.
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<p>Going through the rate constant, where PFOA binds to the synthetic transcription factor, it directly correlates with the amount of GFP produced. Multiplying the rate constant by ½ would result in a 50% decrease in GFP production, etc. GFP was produced at similar amounts based on each volume of PFAS.</p>
Since real life application of our biosensor would likely use cells that are already at steady state equilibrium, we ran simulations where protein and mRNA is at steady state equilibrium before PFAS is introduced. Steady state concentrations were determined using deterministic models that ran until concentrations ceased fluctuations.
A PFAS-inducible transcription factor with a relatively strong binding affinity appears to produce the greatest amount of signal in response to a very small amount of PFAS. Even when there is only about a single PFAS molecule per cell (at 10^-6 uM), the synthetic transcription factor system can produce a large amount of GFP (about 5000 molecules per cell).
For both constructs, it appears that the cell actually depletes the amount of PFAS that is available externally due to strong binding affinities. It is important to note that while the binding affinity of FAB-GFP has been experimentally characterized by the original creators, the binding affinity of the synthetic transcription factor was set to be the empirical binding affinity of human estrogen receptor alpha to PFOA, which may not accurately reflect the actual binding affinity of PFOA or other PFAS to the entire synthetic transcription factor.
<p>At an earlier stage in the project, we attempted to use AI to design proteins that could be used to bind to PFAS, acting as a biosensor. While we were not able to incorporate a fully functional model into the final project, we have documented our efforts and progress so that the work could be expanded on.</p>
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