import { ButtonOne } from "../../../components/Buttons"; import { H4 } from "../../../components/Headings"; import { LoremMedium } from "../../../components/Loremipsum"; export function HPEducation(){ return( <div className="col"> <div className="row align-items-center" style={{marginTop: "5vh", marginBottom: "5vh"}}> <div className="col"> <ButtonOne openclass="edu-cycletab" text="Overview" open="edu-overview"></ButtonOne> </div> <div className="col"> <ButtonOne openclass="edu-cycletab" text="Teuto ruft!" open="teutoruft"></ButtonOne> </div> <div className="col"> <ButtonOne openclass="edu-cycletab" text="Schüler*innen Akademie" open="akademie"></ButtonOne> </div> </div> <div id="edu-overview" className="edu-cycletab" style={{display: "block"}}> <H4 id="edu-heading" text="Our education and outreach"/> <LoremMedium/> <H4 id="edu-why-heading" text="If not as a special prize - then why?"/> <LoremMedium/> </div> <div id="akademie" className="edu-cycletab" style={{display: "none"}}> <H4 id="student-academy-heading" text="Student academy on the topic of synthetic biology"/> </div> <div id="teutoruft" className="edu-cycletab" style={{display: "none"}}> <H4 id="teuroruft-heading" text="Educational city tour for young and old"/> <div className="row align-items-center"> <div className="col"> <img src=""></img> </div> <div className="col"> <img src=""></img> </div> </div> </div> </div> ) }