diff --git a/public/mapscript.js b/public/mapscript.js
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-        return t.prototype.then = function(e, n) {
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-                o = this.s;
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-                        c(r, 1, t(this.v))
-                    } catch (t) {
-                        c(r, 2, t)
-                    }
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-                return this
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-                } catch (t) {
-                    c(r, 2, t)
-                }
-            }, r
-        }, t
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-        return t instanceof s && 1 & t.s
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-                        } o ? c(o, 1, t) : o = t
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-                        r.done || l.return()
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-                    return t
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-                    throw d(t)
-                }));
-                d()
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-            return o
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-                    for (; ++i < t.length && (!n || !n());)
-                        if ((l = e(i)) && l.then) {
-                            if (!u(l)) return void l.then(a, o || (o = c.bind(null, r = new s, 2)));
-                            l = l.v
-                        } r ? c(r, 1, l) : r = l
-                } catch (t) {
-                    c(r || (r = new s), 2, t)
-                }
-            }(), r
-        }(h, (function(t) {
-            return e(h[t])
-        }), n)
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-        return function() {
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-                return Promise.resolve(t.apply(this, e))
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-                return e = l(v, (function(t) {
-                    return function(t, e) {
-                        if (!e) return t && t.then ? t.then(r) : Promise.resolve()
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-        "accessibility / annotations / single": "The chart has one annotation.",
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-        "accessibility / current-rows / search-results": "of $0 results for search term \"$1\".",
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-        "accessibility / pagination-button": "Go to page $0 of $1.",
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-        "accessibility / scatterplot": "Scatterplot with %count% symbols",
-        "accessibility / search-results": "Showing $0 results for search term \"$1\".",
-        "accessibility / sort-column": "by column \"$0\"",
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-        "accessibility / sparkline / type-columns": "column chart",
-        "accessibility / sparkline / type-line": "line chart",
-        "accessibility / sparkline-no-values": "Small %chart_type% with no values.",
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-        "accessibility / stacked-area-chart / single": "Stacked area chart with one area",
-        "accessibility / sticky-rows": "Including $0 sticky rows.",
-        "accessibility / summary": "Table with $0 columns and $1 rows.",
-        "accessibility / xy-grid / axis-log": "Axis uses logarithmic scale.",
-        "accessibility / xy-grid / axis-x-date": "Horizontal date axis, ranging from %from% to %to%.",
-        "accessibility / xy-grid / axis-x-log": "Horizontal axis, ranging from %from% to %to%.",
-        "accessibility / xy-grid / axis-x-number": "Horizontal axis, ranging from %from% to %to%.",
-        "accessibility / xy-grid / axis-x-text": "Horizontal category axis, ranging from %from% to %to%.",
-        "accessibility / xy-grid / axis-y-date": "Vertical date axis, ranging from %from% to %to%.",
-        "accessibility / xy-grid / axis-y-log": "Vertical axis, ranging from %from% to %to%.",
-        "accessibility / xy-grid / axis-y-number": "Vertical axis, ranging from %from% to %to%.",
-        "accessibility / xy-grid / axis-y-text": "Vertical category axis, ranging from %from% to %to%.",
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-        "blocks / get-the-data": "Get the data",
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-        "expanded-view-note": "This is the extended area for the inset map on mobile. You can disable this feature.",
-        "fallback-image-note": "(Please use a modern browser to see the interactive version of this visualization)",
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-        "insufficient-data-columns": "<b>Not enough data to show a column chart.</b> You need at least one numeric column in your dataset. Please go back to the <a href=\"/chart/%chartid%/describe\" target=\"_parent\">\"Check & Describe\"</a> step and check your data.",
-        "insufficient-data-donut": "<b>Not enough data to show a donut chart.</b> You need at least one numeric column in your dataset. Please go back to the <a href=\"/chart/%chartid%/describe\" target=\"_parent\">\"Check & Describe\"</a> step and check your data.",
-        "insufficient-data-dot-plot": "<b>Not enough data to show a dot plot.</b> You need at least one numeric column in your dataset. Please go back to the <a href=\"/chart/%chartid%/describe\" target=\"_parent\">\"Check & Describe\"</a> step and check your data.",
-        "insufficient-data-lines": "<b>Not enough data to show a line or area chart.</b> Please go back to the <a href=\"/chart/%chartid%/describe\" target=\"_parent\">\"Check & Describe\"</a> step and check your data.",
-        "insufficient-data-pie": "<b>Not enough data to show a pie chart.</b> You need at least one numeric column in your dataset. Please go back to the <a href=\"/chart/%chartid%/describe\" target=\"_parent\">\"Check & Describe\"</a> step and check your data.",
-        "insufficient-data-range-arrow": "<b>Not enough data to show a range or arrow plot.</b> You need at least two numeric columns in your dataset. Please go back to the <a href=\"/chart/%chartid%/describe\" target=\"_parent\">\"Check & Describe\"</a> step and check your data.",
-        "no-results-found": "No matching records found",
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-        "symbol-labels-more-than-7": "Some symbols are labelled, including %labels%, and %others% others.",
-        "table-search-placeholder": "Search in table",
-        "total": "Total",
-        "truncated-rows": "Additional $0 rows not shown.",
-        "accessibility / multiple-line-chart / chart-single": "A single line chart.",
-        "accessibility / multiple-line-chart / chart-multiple": "A grid of %count% line charts.",
-        "accessibility / multiple-line-chart / panel-group-multiple": "A group of %count% panels.",
-        "accessibility / multiple-line-chart / panel-group-single": "A group with a single panel.",
-        "accessibility / multiple-line-chart / panel-single": "Chart panel with title \"%title%\" containing one line.",
-        "accessibility / multiple-line-chart / panel-multiple": "Chart panel with title \"%title%\" containing %count% lines.",
-        "accessibility / multiple-line-chart / lines-multiple": "A group of %count% lines.",
-        "accessibility / multiple-line-chart / line": "Line showing %count% values for \"%title%\".",
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-        "accessibility / color-legend / continuous-title": "Continuous color legend, titled \"%title%\", ranging from %from% to %to%.",
-        "accessibility / color-legend / stepped": "Color legend with %count% steps, ranging from %from% to %to%.",
-        "accessibility / color-legend / stepped-title": "Color legend with %count% steps, titled \"%title%\", ranging from %from% to %to%.",
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-        "accessibility / color-legend / category-few": "Category legend with %count% items. %items_description%",
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-        "accessibility / multiple-line-chart / panel-single-annotation-single": "Chart panel with title \"%title%\" containing one line and one annotation.",
-        "accessibility / multiple-line-chart / panel-multiple-annotation-single": "Chart panel with title \"%title%\" containing %count% lines and one annotation.",
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-        "accessibility / multiple-line-chart / annotation-single": "The panel has one annotation.",
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/contents/Home.tsx b/src/contents/Home.tsx
index 053dcdddcde31f767118122f367f83a63479cf4f..91a908afd0d874c0ca7ab0519b48de2097de9bc2 100644
--- a/src/contents/Home.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/Home.tsx
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export function Home() {
         <div className="col">
           <h2>Wiki under construction!</h2>
           <hr />
-          Hello4
+          Hello5
       <div className="row">