From dfcbf852bd715904e85cd57ec36439c369130ef7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Shraddha <> Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 15:05:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] final project description --- wiki/pages/description.html | 19 +++---------------- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/wiki/pages/description.html b/wiki/pages/description.html index 2841e91..be18185 100644 --- a/wiki/pages/description.html +++ b/wiki/pages/description.html @@ -59,7 +59,9 @@ <img src="" alt=""> </div> <p>The Nature publication by Coale <em>et al.</em> examines UCYN-A, which evolved from a cyanobacterial species capable of converting N<sub>2</sub> into organic nitrogenous compounds, and its relationship with the marine alga <em>Braadurosphaera bigelowii</em>. It has already been established that UCYN-A and <em>B. bigelowii</em> have a symbiotic relationship, where <em>B. bigelowii</em> functions as a so-called host, and has taken up the UCYN-A bacteria into its cell in a process known as endosymbiosis. <strong>The symbiont, UCYN-A, fixes nitrogen for the host</strong> whereas <em>B. bigelowii</em> supplies organic carbon and a conducive living environment. This paper proved that UCYN-A is not simply a symbiont, but has instead evolved into an organelle for the eukaryotic alga for nitrogen fixation, and is now called the <strong>"nitroplast"</strong> <a href="#cite11" style="color: #185A4F;">[11]</a>.</p> - <!-- Insert bigelowii pic with magnified view of UCYN-A --> + <div class="img-pagestyle" style="width:95%;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;"> + <img src="" alt=""> + </div> <p>The discovery of the nitroplast captured our interest - we had considered a project on nitrogen fixation before but failed to see a way in which we could innovate or propose new solutions to the problems previous teams faced. All diazotrophs (bacteria and archaea that fix atmospheric N<sub>2</sub>) use the <strong>enzyme nitrogenase</strong> to fix nitrogen, but the expression of this enzyme presents great difficulties: it is <strong>irreversibly damaged by reacting with oxygen</strong>, while at the same time catalyzing an energetically demanding reaction. Due to this, diazotrophs have evolved very complex mechanisms to couple nitrogen fixation with respiration and/or photosynthesis, which so far has been beyond reach in terms of reproduction by synthetic biologists. The <strong>nitroplast solves this problem, acting as a fully contained compartment within a eukaryote where nitrogen fixation takes place</strong>, utilizing several years of evolutionary optimization.</p> <div class="img-pagestyle" style="width:150%;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;"> <img src="" alt=""> @@ -108,21 +110,6 @@ <li id="cite12">Angad P. Mehta et al. “Engineering yeast endosymbionts as a step toward the evolution of mitochondriaâ€. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115.46 (Nov. 2018), pp. 11796–11801. issn: 10916490. doi: 10.1073/PNAS.1813143115/SUPPL{\ _ }FILE/PNAS .1813143115 . SM02 . MP4. url: <a href="" style="color:#185A4F;"></a></li> <li id="cite13">N.H. Nghia et al. “Uptake of Azotobacters by Somatic Fusion of Cell-wall Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardiiâ€. In: Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen 181.5 (Jan. 1986), pp. 347–357. issn: 0015-3796. doi: 10.1016/S0015-3796(86)80008-7.</li> </ol> - <!-- <ol style="text-align:justify; font-family:AccidenzCommons; color:#185A4F; font-weight:400; font-size: min(1.5vw, 22px); font-style: normal; line-height: normal;"> - <li id="cite1">Nitrogen - WUR. url:</li> - <li id="cite2">The nitrogen strategy and the transformation of the rural areas — Nature and biodiversity — url:</li> - <li id="cite3">National Oceanic US Department of Commerce and Atmospheric Administration. “What is eutrophication?â€.</li> - <li id="cite4">Jeff Elhai. “Engineering of crop plants to facilitate bottom-up innovation: A possible role for broad host-range nitroplasts and neoplastsâ€. In: (Apr. 2023). doi: 10.31219/OSF.IO/NY2RC. url:</li> - <li id="cite5">Toename stikstofoverschot in landbouw door droge zomer 2022 — CBS. url:</li> - <li id="cite6">AR4 Climate Change 2007: Mitigation of Climate Change — IPCC. url:</li> - <li id="cite7">Protesting farmers close roads and borders in nationwide campaign - url:</li> - <li id="cite8">Statistics Netherlands. “Dutch agricultural exports worth nearly 124 billion euros in 2023â€. In: (June 2024). url:</li> - <li id="cite9">Team Wageningen 2021 homepage. url:</li> - <li id="cite10">Team — Stony-Brook - IGEM 2023. url:</li> - <li id="cite11">Loconte V. Turk-Kubo K.A. Vanslembrouck B. Mak W.K.E. Cheung S. Ekman A. Chen J.H. Hagino K. Takano Y. Coale T.H. and T. Nishimura. “Nitrogen-fixing organelle in a marine algaâ€. In: Science 384 (2024), pp. 217–222.</li> - <li id="cite12">Angad P. Mehta et al. “Engineering yeast endosymbionts as a step toward the evolution of mitochondriaâ€. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115.46 (Nov. 2018), pp. 11796–11801. issn: 10916490. doi: 10.1073/PNAS.1813143115/SUPPL{\ _ }FILE/PNAS .1813143115 . SM02 . MP4. url:</li> - <li id="cite13">N.H. Nghia et al. “Uptake of Azotobacters by Somatic Fusion of Cell-wall Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardiiâ€. In: Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen 181.5 (Jan. 1986), pp. 347–357. issn: 0015-3796. doi: 10.1016/S0015-3796(86)80008-7.</li> - </ol> --> </div> </div> </div> -- GitLab