diff --git a/src/contents/experiments.tsx b/src/contents/experiments.tsx
index ae2df4467dea56b499726e1b1f5a3f574a2ca5c4..ff5cbcc5f4cf6e2c0c6facd72a919dee5e6ac74f 100644
--- a/src/contents/experiments.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/experiments.tsx
@@ -169,7 +169,55 @@ export function Experiments() {
             <p>Content for section 2.</p>
             <div className="rounded-border">
               <h4 className="center-text">LB medium preparation</h4>
-              <p className="indent">las ijffs aiskfd fskj iiwls asd.aass ffas awssd awus iisal fask.aisisad ksjdfkaf iwjasifjakdshf wijdfalksjf wiksjkfjksalhf, gsahfjhgejkfh  uhaejkfh sjdihgfuqiw jh sjiafhjsaj fh asd.</p>
+              <p className="indent">(1)	Material
+LB Broth Agar Powder, Miller
+LB Broth Powder, Miller
+Ultrapure (UP) Water
+Double Distillation Water (ddH2O)
+(2)	Steps
+LB liquid medium
+1.	Weigh 12.5g of LB Broth Powder.
+2.	Add the powder into 500ml UP Water.
+3.	Autoclave entire bottle of LB medium under 121°C for 20 minutes.
+LB solid medium
+1.	Weigh 12g of LB Broth Agar Powder.
+2.	Add the powder into 300ml UP Water.
+3.	Autoclave entire bottle of LB medium under 121°C for 20 minutes.
+4.	Pour the medium into culture dishes in the ultraclean worktable.
+LB selective medium (Ampicillin)
+1.	Weigh 12g of LB Broth Agar Powder.
+2.	Add the powder into 300ml UP Water.
+3.	Autoclave entire bottle of LB medium under 121°C for 20 minutes.
+4.	Weigh 1g of Ampicillin.
+5.	Add the ampicillin into ddH2O and volume to 10mL. The ddH2O is sterilized previously. Shake the mixture fully.
+6.	Filter the mixture through a filter to remove microorganism.
+7.	Add 500μL of mixture into an EP tube with 500μL ddH2O. The ddH2O is sterilized previously.
+8.	When the LB medium cool down to nearly 50°C, add 300μL antibiotic mixture into it in the ultraclean worktable, then pour it into culture dishes.
+LB selective medium (Kanamycin)
+1.	Weigh 12g of LB Broth Agar Powder.
+2.	Add the powder into 300ml UP Water.
+3.	Autoclave entire bottle of LB medium under 121°C for 20 minutes.
+4.	Weigh 100mg of Kanamycin.
+5.	Add the kanamycin into ddH2O and volume to 10mL. The ddH2O is sterilized previously. Shake the mixture fully.
+6.	Filter the mixture through a filter to remove microorganism.
+7.	When the LB medium cool down to nearly 50°C, add 300μL antibiotic mixture into it in the ultraclean worktable, then pour it into culture dishes.
+LB selective medium (Chloramphenicol)
+1.	Weigh 12g of LB Broth Agar Powder.
+2.	Add the powder into 300ml UP Water.
+3.	Autoclave entire bottle of LB medium under 121°C for 20 minutes.
+4.	Weigh 500mg of Chloramphenicol.
+5.	Add the ampicillin into anhydrous ethanol and volume to 10mL. Shake the mixture fully.
+6.	Filter the mixture through a filter to remove microorganism.
+7.	When the LB medium cool down to nearly 50°C, add 300μL antibiotic mixture into it in the ultraclean worktable, then pour it into culture dishes.
               <p className="indent">las ijffs aiskfd fskj iiwls asd.aass ffas awssd awus iisal fask.aisisad ksjdfkaf iwjasifjakdshf wijdfalksjf wiksjkfjksalhf, gsahfjhgejkfh  uhaejkfh sjdihgfuqiw jh sjiafhjsaj fh asd.</p>