From 04683544cd564f9ed54fc8fbc3e9bee14bda5c37 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Devyani Ravi <>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:22:59 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] adding HP template

 docs/.vuepress/components/HumanPractices.vue | 162 +++++++++++++++----
 docs/                      |  86 +---------
 2 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/.vuepress/components/HumanPractices.vue b/docs/.vuepress/components/HumanPractices.vue
index 8bee292..07c6b4e 100644
--- a/docs/.vuepress/components/HumanPractices.vue
+++ b/docs/.vuepress/components/HumanPractices.vue
@@ -1,42 +1,140 @@
-  <div class="banner" :style="{ right: sidebarWidth }">
-    <img :src="imageUrl" alt="Banner Image" class="banner-image" />
+  <div>
+    <!-- Introduction Section -->
+    <b-card no-body class="mb-2" style="background-color: #e3f2fd;">
+      <b-card-header header-tag="header" role="tab">
+        <b-button v-b-toggle.introduction variant="primary" style="background-color: #e3f2fd; color: #396d7e; border: none;">Introduction to Natronaut’s Human Practices: Answering the Important Questions</b-button>
+      </b-card-header>
+      <b-collapse id="introduction" accordion="accordion" role="tabpanel">
+        <b-card-body style="background-color: #e5efdf;">
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Designing the Natronaut Project: Values in Mind</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Consulting Resources and Communities Meaningful to Natronaut</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Evidence of Responsibility</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Impact of Natronaut</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+        </b-card-body>
+      </b-collapse>
+    </b-card>
+    <!-- Implementation Section -->
+    <b-card no-body class="mb-2" style="background-color: #e3f2fd;">
+      <b-card-header header-tag="header" role="tab">
+        <b-button v-b-toggle.implementation variant="primary" style="background-color: #e3f2fd; color: #396d7e; border: none;">Implementation and Impact on Design: Natronaut Application Chamber System — 3D Model</b-button>
+      </b-card-header>
+      <b-collapse id="implementation" accordion="accordion" role="tabpanel">
+        <b-card-body style="background-color: #e5efdf;">
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">1. Intake Pump</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">2. Physical Filter</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">3. Interchangeable Filter Module</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">4. Vibrio natriegens Chamber</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">5. Drying Chamber for Single-Cell Proteins and Output Pipe</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">6. Output Pipe</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Considerations</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+        </b-card-body>
+      </b-collapse>
+    </b-card>
+    <!-- Inclusivity Section -->
+    <b-card no-body class="mb-2" style="background-color: #e3f2fd;">
+      <b-card-header header-tag="header" role="tab">
+        <b-button v-b-toggle.inclusivity variant="primary" style="background-color: #e3f2fd; color: #396d7e; border: none;">Taking Initiative: Inclusivity and Participation</b-button>
+      </b-card-header>
+      <b-collapse id="inclusivity" accordion="accordion" role="tabpanel">
+        <b-card-body style="background-color: #e5efdf;">
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">“Day In The Life of an iGEM Member”</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Introduction Days and Bachelor’s Open Day at Maastricht University</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Spotify Link</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Colour-blind Friendly Colour Palette</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Postcards</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Eindhoven Funding Event</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+        </b-card-body>
+      </b-collapse>
+    </b-card>
+    <!-- Feedback Section -->
+    <b-card no-body class="mb-2" style="background-color: #e3f2fd;">
+      <b-card-header header-tag="header" role="tab">
+        <b-button variant="primary" style="background-color: #e3f2fd; color: #396d7e; border: none;">Gaining More Feedback and Stakeholder Insight</b-button>
+      </b-card-header>
+      <b-collapse id="feedback" accordion="accordion" role="tabpanel">
+        <b-card-body style="background-color: #e5efdf;">
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Survey on GMOs</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Interview with Philosophy of Technology Expert</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Introduction and Background: Write here...</p>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Intersection of Technology and Nature in Synthetic Biology: Write here...</p>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Ethical Challenges and Commodifying Life: Write here...</p>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Governance and Public Participation in Synthetic Biology: Write here...</p>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Philosophical Insights: Life as Technology: Write here...</p>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Societal Impact and Environmental Concerns: Write here...</p>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Ethical Frameworks and Global Impact: Write here...</p>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Main Takeaways and Incorporation into the Project: Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Interview with Unimer: A Discussion on Organic Fertilizer</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Introduction and Background: Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Meeting with Promega's Marloes van der Zwalm</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Meeting with Cultivarium's Henry Lee and Lilan Ling</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Utrecht, NL: The Dutch iGEM 2024 Meet</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Wageningen, NL: SynBioNL event</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">Madrid, ESP: European iGEM 2024 MeetUp</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+          <h5 style="color: #396d7e;">University of Michigan: Bioremediation Virtual Symposium</h5>
+          <p style="color: #333;">Write here...</p>
+        </b-card-body>
+      </b-collapse>
+    </b-card>
 export default {
-  props: {
-    imageUrl: {
-      type: String,
-      default: '',
-    },
-    sidebarWidth: {
-      type: String,
-      default: '18rem', // Default value for sidebar width, adjust if needed
-    },
-  },
+  name: "HumanPractices",
 <style scoped>
-.banner {
-  position: relative;
-  left: 0;
-  width: calc(100% - 18rem); /* Use the default value for calculation */
-  max-width: 100%;
-  display: block;
-  margin: 0 auto;
-.banner-image {
-  width: 100%;
-  max-width: 100%;
-  display: block;
-@media (max-width: 768px) {
-  .banner {
-    width: 100%; /* Adjust to full width for smaller screens */
-    right: 0; /* No offset on smaller screens */
-  }
+.mb-2 {
+  margin-bottom: 1rem;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 87d82ed..0575378 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -2,88 +2,4 @@
 title: Human Practices
-# Introduction to Natronaut’s Human Practices: Answering the Important Questions
-## Designing the Natronaut Project: Values in Mind
-## Consulting Resources and Communities Meaningful to Natronaut
-## Evidence of Responsibility
-## Impact of Natronaut
-# Implementation and Impact on Design: Natronaut Application Chamber System — 3D Model
-## 1. Intake Pump 
-## 2. Physical Filter 
-## 3. Interchangeable Filter Module 
-## 4. Vibrio natriegens Chamber
-## 5. Drying Chamber for Single-Cell Proteins and Output Pipe 
-## 6. Output Pipe
-## Considerations 
-# Taking Initiative: Inclusivity and Participation
-## “Day In The life of an iGEM Member”
-## Introduction Days and Bachelor’s Open Day at Maastricht University
-## Spotify Link
-## Colour-blind Friendly Colour Palette
-## Postcards
-## Eindhoven Funding Event
-# Gaining More Feedback and Stakeholder Insight 
-## Survey on GMOs
-## Interview with Philosophy of Technology Expert
-### Introduction and Background
-### Intersection of Technology and Nature in Synthetic Biology
-### Ethical Challenges and Commodifying Life
-### Governance and Public Participation in Synthetic Biology
-### Philosophical Insights: Life as Technology
-### Societal Impact and Environmental Concerns
-### Ethical Frameworks and Global Impact
-### Main Takeaways and Incorporation into the Project
-## Interview with Unimer: A Discussion on Organic Fertilizer
-### Introduction and Background
-## Meeting with Promega's Marloes van der Zwalm
-## Meeting with Cultivarium's Henry Lee and Lilan Ling
-## Utrecht, NL: The Dutch iGEM 2024 Meet
-## Wageningen, NL: SynBioNL event
-## Madrid, ESP: European iGEM 2024 MeetUp
-## University of Michigan: Bioremediation Virtual Symposium
+<HumanPractices />