From eb1ca3339b39e48a996ff36fd92af0329a9eb45b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Max Luca Beckmann <>
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2024 13:45:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] education ref links final

 src/contents/Human Practices/Further Engagement/Education.tsx | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/contents/Human Practices/Further Engagement/Education.tsx b/src/contents/Human Practices/Further Engagement/Education.tsx
index 38c9b824..63c33538 100644
--- a/src/contents/Human Practices/Further Engagement/Education.tsx	
+++ b/src/contents/Human Practices/Further Engagement/Education.tsx	
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Due to our collaboration with the Student Academy, we conducted the nanopore seq
                     <H5 id="Der Teuto ruft!" text=" What is “Der Teuto ruft!” and why we participate"/>               
 <p>"Der Teuto ruft!" is an outreach event located all over the city of Bielefeld where various local companies and institutions engage with the public to inform them about their work. Since we wanted to raise awareness for cystic fibrosis and present our approach to developing an optimized gene therapy to combat this disease, our participation in the "Der Teuto ruft!" event in Bielefeld was the perfect opportunity to do so.</p>               
 <H5 id="What was our strategy?" text="What is our strategy?"/>
-<p>Our goal was to educate children about the challenges faced by CF patients, especially the ones with lung problems. The knowledge which we gained at the Science Communication Workshop as part of the <a onClick={() => goToPageAndScroll ('bfh-european-meetup', '/contribution')}> BFH Meetup </a> was the optimal basis to plan our outreach to the public. We engaged the children with activities like coloring lung images and conducting experiments to experience and understand lung related symptoms.  
+<p>Our goal was to educate children about the challenges faced by CF patients, especially the ones with lung problems. The knowledge which we gained at the <a onClick={() => goToPageAndScroll ('commworkshop', '/contribution')}> Science Communication Workshop </a> as part of the <a onClick={() => goToPageAndScroll ('bfh-european-meetup', '/contribution')}> BFH Meetup </a> was the optimal basis to plan our outreach to the public. We engaged the children with activities like coloring lung images and conducting experiments to experience and understand lung related symptoms.  
 One such experiment involved creating a lung model from balloons and straws, demonstrating the difficulty patients have in breathing by having the children blow into the straws. Additionally, we set up a tank with a mixture of starch and water to simulate mucus and placed a ball on top. The children tried to blow the ball across the surface, illustrating how hard it is for air to move through mucus compared to water, where the ball moved much more easily. 
 The very little ones could paint coloring pages which we designed and printed for them. For the adults, we provided information about our project and discussed the implications and potential of gene therapy for cystic fibrosis. These conversations as well as the results of our <a onClick={() => goToPageAndScroll ('our-surveys-on-cystic-fibrosis-and-gene-therapy', '/human-practices')}> survey on CF and gene therapy </a> which was conducted events like these made it abundantly clear that degrees of knowledge on this topic widely vary throughout the public and we were happy to fill in the existing gaps in people's knowledge and exchange points of view on gene therapy.  
 Moreover, we connected with other institutions and participants at the event. We shared our booth at Bielefeld’s “Skulpturenpark” on the outside with <a href="" title="btS" > btS </a>, the life science student initiative from Bielefeld University, with whose members we had stimulating discussions as well. We were more than delighted when the city of Bielefeld featured us on their Instagram, highlighting our presence during "Der Teuto ruft!". This collaboration helped us reach a wider audience and raise awareness about our research efforts.</p>